Waiting : Series 3 Prequel

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"Damn," Stacy ran around the console. "The Tardis has redecorated."

"Its bigger," Max observed. "The inside has more space than the outside."

"I tried asking the Doctor about it once," Stacy examined the glowing red console. "He just said something about relative dimensions then changed the subject."

"Doesnt he need help out there with the whole feud thing?" Max examined the Tardis console, clearly still shocked from the interior dimensions.

"I'm sure he can handle it without our help," Stacy smiled.


The whole Tardis shook as the Tardis alarm sounded.

"You sure," Max yelled as the glowing Tardis central column started to rise and fall and the Tardis engines started.

"No!" Stacy grasped the console as the Tardis continued to shake. "We're demateirialising."

"Eh?" Max was confused.

"We're taking off," Stacy rolled her eyes.

"But the Doctor isnt here," Max realised.

"That's why I'm panicking," Stacy yelled as the engines stopped.

Lava gushed down the hollow glass pillars dotted down the walls of the Tardis as Max and Stacy glared at eachother.

"We're abandoned," Max panicked. "In space. Without the pilot."

"Dont worry," Stacy tried to calm him. "I have been in this exact same situation before. Dan learnt this Tardis flight manual and-" She broke off, remembering Dan. "I'm sure we can find the same manual and fly the Tardis back to the Doctor."

"We just have to find it, right?" Max nodded.

"Yeah," Stacy smiled. "I hope none of the rooms have moved, I like the new Tardis design but if the rooms have moved I'm going to like it a lot less."

"You mean it didnt used to look like this," Max asked.

"No," Stacy walked up some stairs to the Tardis corridor. "It used to be like this organic, green room. Its gone all, fiery and steampunk now."

"There are three corridors leading out of this room," Max noticed. "How big is this place?"

"Well," Stacy bit her lip. "I dont actually know but, I have a theory it could go on forever."

"Like a whole dimension, shoved into this whole blue box," Max was astonished.

"Indeed," Stacy confirmed. "I think the manual would be in the library so why dont we both go down this corridor to find the library."

"And then we look for the book in the library," Max agreed. "Shouldnt take us that long?" Max walked up the short stairs to go down the corridor with Stacy.

"That would depend on the size of the library," Stacy raised her eyebrow as she opened the first door on her left. "Damn, this isnt the library this is the spa. I like the new design of the hot tub though."

"After almost being incinated, I dont like the sound of a hot tub."

"Dont diss the tub!" Stacy closed the door. "Let's keep searching."

Max opened the opposite door. "This looks like an observatory."

Stacy walked further down the corridor and opened another door. "This is the secondary control room."

Max came over to look at it. "Made out of wood?"

"That's why its secondary Max," Stacy snapped as she slammed the door shut.

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