Mould Malice : Episode Four

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The Doctor ran into the house.

"Wait!" Stacy tried to stop him.

"Isnt that just great," Max rolled his eyes and sat on the car bonnet.

The Doctor ran up the stairs and walked into the bathroom.

Both Osgoods were connecting sophisticated technology to the mould.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor yelled at them.

"Trying to save the world," the Osgood on the left explained.

"Someone is trying to use interdimensional stability as a portal across the universe," the other Osgood continued. 

"And the portal is camouflaged as mould," the other Osgood finished.

"Okay, but it isnt safe up here," the Doctor sighed.

"No where is safe right now," the Osgood on the right explained. "Somethings coming through the portal."

"And something with the power to create a portal like this, could be lethal not just to this village, city, country, but the world."

A green gas launched out of the mould as the Osgoods dived out of its trajectory.

The Doctor scanned it with his sonic. "Nilox Gas, one breath and it splinters your being. That's what happened to Sophia."

"And our soldier," one of the Osgoods got to their feet and helped the other Osgood up.

"It must be a built in defense," the Doctor thought to himself. "What is the technology you attached to the mould."

"Dimensional Stabilisers," the other Osgood straightened her glasses. "Trying to stabilise the dimensions so whatever it is cant get through.

"Right, how close were you to finishing," the Doctor asked.

"We just needed power," the Osgood sighed.

"Easy enough," the Doctor pointed his sonic at the devices and fired a green beam of light at them.


The mould shone with golden energy as the equipment loudly vibrated and burst into life.

The mould then flashed and dissapeared.

"Bang and the dirt is gone," the Doctor let out a relieved sigh.

Then the golden energy came back and started making a deafening noise.

"Interference!" An Osgood cried. "Run!"

* * *

"Take cover!" The Doctor yelled as he ran out of the house followed by the Osgoods.

Stacy, Max, Kate and the Soldiers ducked behind the car with the Doctor and the Osgoods as the house exploded.

"What the hell happened there?" Max exclaimed with confusion.

"Dont worry about it," the Doctor laughed.

"He usually explains later," Stacy assured Max.

"Doctor!" Kate walked over to him. "Why did you blow the house up?"

"You always were one to pass blame around quickly," the Doctor sighed. "It was a byproduct of me and the Osgoods stopping the mould."

"Buy wha-"

"You know I dont like explanations Kate and I certainly dont like sticking around," the Doctor interupted her. "Come on team."

"That's us," Stacy told Max.

"Yeah I'm not stupid," Max retorted.

"Doctor!" Kate signaled to her gunmen who then pointed their weapons at the Doctor.

"You always do this Kate," the Doctor sighed with agitation.

"You are coming back with us to UNIT," Kate ordered. "Or we will shoot."

"No you wont," the Docote said blankly.

"You underestimate me," Kate bit her lip.

"Do I," the Doctor smiled solemnly. "Do it then, come on guys."

The three of them ducked under the barricade and continued down the street.

"Come back!" Kate yelled.

"He's gone," an Osgood told her.

"Let it go," the other Osgood agreed.

* * *

The Doctor, Stacy and Max had arrived at the post department once more.

"How are we going to do this then?" Max asked.

"Honestly I have no idea," the Doctor sighed as he thought of strategies to get in.

"The window," Stacy suggested. "There was definitely a window beside where we landed the Tardis."

"Good idea let's do it," the Doctor lead the way around the back of the building and before they knew it they were climbing through a window and then walking into the Tardis.

The Tardis beeped as they walked in. "Hello to you too," Stacy smiled as she walked past the console and down a corridor. "I'm heading to the tub."

"I'm going to join you," Max followed her.

"I'm going to jettison that room one of these days," the Doctor sighed.

When Stacy and Max were in the tub, Stacy but her lip and shouted over the sound of the jets. "So when are we going to do this."

"What?" Max laughed as he got into a comfy position.

"Well we've clearly been flirting all day," Stacy spoke as Max was midway through a sip of water.

He spat it out. "What!?"

"We were obviously flirting when we were handcuffed to that-"

"I'm gay," Max interupted before it could get any more awkward. "I'm gay, Stacy. I thought you knew that."

"You're-" Stacy bit her lip as her face went bright red with embarrassment. "You're gay."

"Yep," Max sighed.

"Oh god," Stacy grabbed her towel and rushed out of the tub.

"Stacy!" Max tried to stop her but she was gone. He put his head in his hands, filled with guilt.

* * *

The Doctor stood by the console monitoring all of the devices when the console screen started to beep.

He spun it round and observed the alarming Gallifreyan writing.

Suddenly, a tower of electricity burst through the ceiling of the Tardis. It hit the Doctor and engulfed him.

The tower then rose up and out of the Tardis, taking the Doctor with it.

* * *

On the other side of the universe, the tower hit the stone ground released the Doctor and rose back up into the sky.

The Doctor groaned as he stared up at the fiery red sky.

He could hear faint explosions in the distance as he got to his feet.

Slowly he turned the corner and gasped at what he saw.

"The Kalid city," the Doctor saw a dead jungle opposite from him. "The Thal jungle. I'm on Skaro, how am I on Skaro. Who has the power to penetrate a Tardis and take someone out of it?"

"I do," the Doctor heard a deep voice from behind him so he slowly turned to see who brought him here.

A humanoid disguised with a black helmet with a clean black visor stood a few feet away from him holding a metal weapon.

"Who are you?" The Doctor stared at the city once more before turning to look back at him.

"You may know me as, the Rebel."

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