Ressurection of the Dead : Episode Four

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Meanwhile, Stacy and Max had found some strange technology a bit further around their side of the lake.

"Look at this," Stacy picked some of the equipment up to examine it. "It looks very dangerous."

Max saw the equipment and suddenly felt a surge of evil enter his being. "Ahhh." He fell to the floor.

"Max," Stacy bent down to see if he was okay.

Max looked up slowly and started to laugh. He got to his feet and hit Stacy to the floor.

"Max!" Stacy groaned as she backed away from him.

"My name," Max moved forward. "Is not Max."

"What do you mean?" Stacy gasped as he picked up a weaped and aimed at the Doctor who was on the other side of the lake.

"He is going to be so angry," Max laughed as Stacy lunged for him and took him to the floor.

"What's happened to you?" Stacy whimpered as Max hit Stacy for be final time knocking her out.

"Finally I'm free!" Max screamed as he fired the weapon.

* * *

The Doctor was dealing with a problem before Max had fired the weapon.

A hand had reached out of the water and was trying to pull him under the lake.

"Doctor!" James appeared from around the corner.

"James," the Doctor groaned. "I told you to stay in the car."

"What can I do?" James ignored the Doctors comment.


A purple beam of light started to glow towards them from the other side of the lake.

It hit the ground between James and the Doctor, launching both of them in differant directions.


A huge explosion erupted, consuming them both.

* * *

Stacy woke up in time to witness, Max breaking down.

"You cant take control!" He cried. "I'm in control!"

He gasped as he finally regained control.

Stacy got to her feet, ready to fight.

"Dont worry Stacy," Max caught his breath. "I'm fine."

Stacy then looked over to the cloud of smoke on the other side of the lake. "Doctor!"

* * *

The explosion had launched the Zygon off the Doctor so he could swim freely to the surface.

"Doctor!" James coughed as he got to his feet.

"I'm here," the Doctor appeared from out of the smoke and greeted James.

"What the hell was that?" James was still coughing.

"A Light Cannon," the Doctor sighed. "A Zygon weapon that must have washed ashore."

"Wow," James wafted smoke away.

"What I want to know is who fired it?" The Doctor then saw Stacy and Max running towards them through the smoke.

"Doctor!" Stacy cried. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," the Doctor nodded. "What the hell happened?"

"Max, he went all funny and he fired that thing at you," Stacy looked back at Max.

The Doctor swallowed as he looked up at Max. "Is that true?"

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