Ressurection of the Dead : Episode Three

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The Doctor felt his hearts sink to the bottom of his chest as he read the name on the gravestone.

Oliver Jeffords.

"You're right, come on!"

* * *

"Hello," Stacy entered the church. "Jeffords?"

When she was halfway down the aisles she heard the door lock behind her.

"Hello Stacy," the vicar took of his blind glasses and looked up at her.

* * *

"Doctor!" As they got close to the doors, Max noticed a car. "That car that was following us, its here."

The woman appeared from behind a gravestone and pointed a gun at them.

Then a few other people appeared from differant angles around the church.

"I think I'm starting to figure out what's going on here," the Doctor realised. "The ceasefire hasn't been made yet has it."

"What are you on about?" James asked the Doctor.

"They're Zygons! Shape-Shifter's and they have learned how to shape shift into the dead!"

The woman transformed into a tall, red creature with suckers and then the other figure did also.

* * *

"It was a lie," Stacy backed away as the vicar advanced on her. "You can see."

"I can do much more than see," the vicar laughed. "For example."

The vicar transformed into a Zygon and she screamed as it charged at her full speed.

She picked up a nearby chair and threw it at the Zygon.

The chair splintered into multiple pieces as he Zygon collapsed and dropped the key.

Stacy ran, picked it up and ran to the door, the Zygon closely pursuing her.

She unlocked the door and ran outside to see the Doctor, Max and James cornered by more Zygons.

"Stacy!" The Doctor threw the car keys to her and with her soldier instincts she caught it. "The car!"

She ran down the graveyard to the car and climbed into it, 3 Zygons chasing her. She put the keys in and reversed over the three Zygons before running over the ones cornering the Doctor, Max and James. "Get in."

They all got in and Stacy drove off.

"Turn in soon so I can take the wheel," the Doctor ordered Stacy.

"Okay," Stacy drove down the road full speed. "I'm suprised I can even drive this thing, its ridiculously ancient."

"This is one of the latest Ford car models," James looked at her in confusion.

"Stacy is from the future," the Doctor explained.

"The future!" James exclaimed. "Is it just me or is this a day a bit much."

"This is a normal Tuesday to us," Max laughed before Stacy turned in and her and the Doctor swapped places.

"So we need to find the Zygon main base," the Doctor thought to himself. "James, can you think of anywhere nearby where weird stuff happens?"

"Let me see," James bit his lip. "There is a quarry nearby, filled with water. People claim to see red lights in the sky around there, it's also heavily protected and guarded."

"The red lights are probably electrical discharges from the Zygon base," the Doctor was deep in thought. "Do you know its postcode?"

"Yes, I have a random quarries postcode memorised," James nodded sarcastically.

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