Mould Malice : Episode One

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It was a clear day, no rain had fallen in weeks.

The postwoman walked up to the letter box and pushed the letters in. She then noticed something strange.

The front door has been kicked in.

She decided she had to investigate and pushed the door open, it let out a painful creak as it revealed the horrors inside.

A hallway, everything broken.

Plates shattered on the ground surrounded by a collapsed table and broken chairs.

Something terrible had clearly happened here.

Suddenly, she heard a devastating scream come from upstairs, she picked up a knife off the floor and ran full speed up the stairs. "Hello?"

She heard a strange noise from the first door to her left, the bathroom.

"Are you hurt in there?" She asked, reluctant to enter and wondering whether or not she should turn back.

The postwoman bit her lip and decided she had to know what was going on.

She pushed the door open and walked in. A red U.N.I.T hat lay askew on the floor, she looked around the bathroom and decided it was empty so she went in and examined the hat.

"That Unified Intelligence Taskforce," she remembered.

It turns out the room wasnt empty though, she didnt check well enough.

The one place, the place nobody ever thinks to check, right out the corner of you're eye.


Nobody ever thinks to check what's above them.

The U.N.I.T soldier didnt think to check what was above him.

The postwoman didnt think to check what was above her.

So they both suffered the same fate.

Her screams echoed through the ruins of the house as the door slammed shut.

* * *

The Tardis materialised in a break room of a postal department.

The Doctor stepped out and peered out of the door into the expansive warehouse.

He turned and ran back into the Tardis to see Stacy walking out of a Tardis corridor.

"I heard us land," Stacy peered out of the door curiously. "Where are we?"

"Definitely Earth," the Doctor carefully examined readings on the console. "Where's Max?"

"Here!" Max ran out of another Tardis corridor. "Just did a few laps round the secondary consoles."

"Interesting route for exercise," the Doctor walked towards the Tardis doors. "Let's take a look around."

"But it's my nap hour," Max groaned.

"Come on," Stacy smiled at him. "For you this is your first alien world."

"Its actually not-"

"Its your first alien world that you've visited in the Tardis," Stacy raised an eyebrow. "But its home for me I wonder if its present day."

"The year is 2020," the Doctor, who had just peeked out of the Tardis, popped his head back in and told them.

"So it isnt present day," Stacy was disappointed.

"It could be," the Doctor bit his lip. "Its just that for you present day is differant, its differant for differant people now come on. Enough waffling let's get out shall we."

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