Ressurection of the Dead : Episode Six

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The Tardis monitor flashed with bright light as Voidy spoke. "Yes Max."

"Can you locate the Doctor," Max asked.

"Yes," Voidy confirmed. "Scanning the Milky Way. The search will take 6 days."

"No," Max sighed. "Search Earth."

"Searching parameters set to Earth," Voidy scanned. "Found the Doctor."

"Mateirialise us on his coordinates," Max ordered as the central column began to rise and fall.

* * *

The Zygon appeared in the teleport with a few litres of lake water. "How dare you Doctor!"

"I just destroyed your main base," the Doctor laughed. "Give up!"

Then the sound of the Tardis filled the room as it faded into place.

Max ran out with a deodorant can raised. "Get in Doctor!"


The Zygon fired at the Doctor as he helped Stacy into the ship.

Max sprayed the can at the Zygon who started to bubble.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Zygon shot Max in the chest repeatedly until he fell to the floor.

The Leader exploded but Max was bleeding out on the floor.

The Doctor walked out and saw Max. "Jesus!" He ran to Max and also helped him into the ship.

In the medical bay of the Tardis, the Doctor put Max on the bed next to Stacy.

"What happened?!" James exclaimed as he saw Max.

"He's been shot repeatedly in the chest," the Doctor panicked. "There's nothing I can do, he's going to die."

Suddenly a golden energy started to form around Max.

"What's happening to him?" James asked.

"Impossible," the Doctor glared in astonishment at Max. "He's regenerating."

Max's body exploded into regeneration energy as the gunshot wounds healed.

After the regeneration cycle had finished Max had healed, but his physical appearance hadn't changed at all.

He woke up and looked around him. "What's going on?"

The Doctor decided in the moment that he wouldnt tell Max or ask about what had happened until he figured out more. "Nothing," he lied.

"Okay," Max got off his bed and went over to Stacy. "Are you alright."

"I just need to heal her gunshot wound and then we are going to the church," the Doctor placed healing ointment on Stacy's wound.

"Why are we going back to the church?" Max asked.

"Because that's where all of the Zygons have in common," the Doctor explained. "They're going to regroup there. Just because we've killed their leader doesnt mean they've been stopped."

* * *

The Tardis mateirialised beside the altar and the Doctor, Stacy and Max stood outside.

James had been told to stay behind, again.

They were slightly startled when they saw over 50 zygons crammed into the church and they were all staring at them.

A Zygon stepped to the front. "You have returned to meet your demise Doctor!"

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