Rebellion of the Daleks : Episode Eight

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Once the Doctor was in, he used his sonic screwdriver to summon the Tardis which smoothly mateirialised beside the eye.

"Doctor, what do we do now?" Stacy asked.

"We cant stop the Dalek Invasion on Earth," the Doctor sighed. "So we're gonna have to go to Skaro and force the Emporer to stop it."

"Good idea," Kate nodded as she approached the Tardis but the Doctor stopped her.
"No," the Doctor shook his head. "You're going to stay here."

"No I am not," Kate was shocked.

"You're father wouldve wanted me to ensure you're safe," the Doctor told her.

"By leaving me in the middle of and Invasion," Kate was furious.

"Its more dangerous on Skaro," the Doctor sighed. "I'm sorry, come on Stacy."

"No," Kate yelled as they went inside and shut Kate out. "Not again!"

The Tardis dematerialised leaving her behind.

The end was getting closer and closer now...

Closer and closer...

* * *

The Doctor decided to land the Tardis on stealth mode so that the Daleks didnt detect where he landed.

He soon realised he didnt need stealth more to land in the Rebel base.

"Where is everyone?" Stacy asked as they both stepped into the empty Rebellion Headquarters.

"Of course," the Doctor stared grimly up at the open enterance. "Max knew where the Rebel base was, so did the Master."

"Why do you refer to them like differant people?" Stacy raised an eyebrow.

"Because they are. Two consciences, remember?" The Doctor explained.

"Do you think we can bring Max back?" Stacy was a little hopeful.

"I dont know," the Doctor shook his head. "We did see him exterminated but I am pretty sure he wouldve survived. He has a knack for that. Anyway, come on."

Once they climbed the ladder, they were appealed to see the dead Rebellion, lying on the floor.

"Oh my god," Stacy dropped to her knees.

"I've had enough of this," the Doctor looked down in disgust. "I think I would like an audience with the emporer."

* * *

"A Time Lord Presence is detected back on Skaro," a Dalek reported to the Emporer.

"Which one is it?" The Emporer asked. "The Doctor or the Master."

"It is the Doctor," a Dalek showed the Doctor on a screen. "He is heading in this direction."

"Exterminate him!" The Emporer orders. "We have other matters to attend to. Our Earth operation must be monitored."

* * *

The Doctor approached the enterance to the city but Daleks came out with their guns ready.

"Exterminate!" The Daleks cried as they fired at the Doctor and Stacy.

The Doctor deflected all of the blasts with his sonic screwdriver and then he advanced on the Daleks angrily. "Take me to the Emporer, NOW!"

* * *

In the Dalek control room, there was only silence as they waited for the Doctor to arrive.

When the doors opened and he walked in escorted by a Dalek with Stacy, the Emporer spoke with intimidating angst. "Why have you returned here?"

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