Ressurection of the Dead : Episode Two

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"What makes you think they're following us?" Stacy asked.

"I saw that car at the graveyard," the Doctor answered.

"Turn left here," James told the Doctor. "Nobody goes down here so if they follow us then your suspicions are correct."

The Doctor did as James suggested and the car did follow them. "Okay I've had enough of this."

The Doctor pulled over and got out of the car. "Backup?" He turned to Stacy and Max as their followers also pulled up.

Stacy and Max reluctantly joined the Doctor by the car as a woman got out of the other vehicle. "Doctor, I dont think this is a good idea."

"So," the Doctor approached the woman. "Why are you following us?"

"Doctor, I don't think this is a good idea," Max sighed.

The woman pointed a gun at them.

"Hey," the Doctor took a step back. "I dont like having guns pointed at me y'know."

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"Please just put the gun dow-"

"I will only ask one more time, who are you?"

"Please, just listen-"


The Doctor ducked. "The Car!"

Bang! Bang! Smash!

She hit the back window of the car as they all clambered in and drove off at full speed.

"She had a gun!" James exclaimed.

"We know that!" The Doctor shouted as he made a 90 degree turn back.

"Doctor!" Stacy panicked. "We're going to go back past them."

"I know, everybody duck," the Doctor ordered as the drove past the woman again.

Bang! Bang! Clang!

She hit the side of the car but they were already gone by then.

Quickly she got back in her own car and followed them.

"Doctor, shes still following us," Max informed him.

"I'm quite aware," the Doctor then looked in confusion at his rear view mirror as she emerged from the window and fired at them. "Who's driving?"

"It must be some sort of automated system," Stacy ducked as she fired again.

Bang! Bang!

"Firing like that in public will bring the police to us," the Doctor worried. "And that's the last thing we need. James, take the wheel."

"I'm a teenager!" James exclaimed.

"You know how to steer dont you?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah but-"

"Just take it," the Doctor got out his sonic and rolled down the window as James took the wheel.

The Doctor fired some green shots from his sonic that hit the woman in the chest.

She fell back into the car as the Doctor took out the wheels forcing it to stop.

The Doctor slapped James's hand off the wheel and continued onwards.

"Thank god for that!" Stacy exclaimed.

* * *

"They managed to escape," a whispering voice told its friend.

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