Rebellion of the Daleks : Episode Four

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"Yes he is," the Dalek became hysterical. "The Doctor is dead, the Doctor is dead, the Doctor is dead!"

The Doctor burst through the ceiling and fired a laser beam from his sonic at the Dalek which was launched out of the room.

"Yes!" Max cried. "I knew you weren't-"


The Doctor shot Max with his sonic.

Max fell to the floor, clutching his chest. "Doctor-"

"Tell me," the Doctor closed the door, locking them both in. "Tell me now."

"But Doctor, I dont, know."

"You regenerated!" The Doctor shouted at him. "You're Time-Lord aren't you."

"What?" Max tried to get to his feet.


"Stay down!" The Doctor fired at him with his sonic again. "Ah, I see. You dont actually know who you are. Differant parts of a sub-conscience made conscious and given an identity. Thats why you didnt change when you regenerated. You have two consciouses so you used the energy to heal and put the remaining energy into your other conscience. I can push Max's conscience back though."

"No!" Max groaned. "You cant! Its evil."

"We'll see about that!" The Doctor fired a laser from his sonic at Max's head.


* * *

"Control!" A voice shouted in Max's mind as he felt himself getting weaker.


"Goodbye Max!" The voice laughed. "Thank you Doctor, oh thank you."

* * *

Max opened his eyes.

Or was it Max?

"Who are you?" The Doctor asked.

"Oh dear Doctor," the mysterious figure turned and gave him a smile. "You know who I am."

"Do I?" The Doctor raised an eyebrow.

"Say my name," the figure laughed as he lunged at the Doctor and pinned him to the floor. "SAY MY NAME!"


"You will open this door!" The Recon Scout ordered from outside.

"Oh!" The Master smiled. "Our old friends are here."

He let the Doctor go and walked over to the cell door.

"Dont you dare open that door!"

The Master opened the door and the Dalek came in. "Hello Darlyboo."

"You species has changed from unidentified to Time-Lord," the Recon Scout scanned. "Explain!"

"I was having a bit of an identity crisis," the Master laughed. "Not a gay thing, even though I am really gay but-"

"Daleks have no concept of Sexuality," the Recon Scout interupted. "Identify yourself."

"I am the Master," the Master addressed himself. "And the Doctor is right here with-" He realised that the Doctor had dissapeared.

"The Doctor has escaped," the Recon Scout observed.

"Yeah, I see that," the Master nodded and then looked up. "He's gone back into the vents, I'll-" The Master was then forced back into his mind.

* * *

"Oh Max," the Master spoke into his mind. "Give up! You never even existed, I invented you!"

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