The Crimes of Peladon : Episode Three

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"Now I dont like it when my staff point guns at me!" Tepish yelled.

"Staff!" Susie yelled back. "More like prisoners, SLAVES!"

She lunged for Tepish who fired the gun and missed her by inches. He quickly reached for the switch but soon found his hand slapped out of the way before he could flip it.

They both fell to the floor and scuffled for a short period of time. Soon Tepish had her pinned to the floor.

"You stupid girl," he growled. "You are nothing and you will always be nothing."

"Get OFF!" She screamed.

"You are no longer useful to me," Tepish said through gritted teeth. "You will make a lovely meal for our friend in the tank."

Susie remembered the gun and saw it on the floor a few inches to her left.

Sneakily she reached for it, pointed it up and pulled the trigger.

Tepish's grip loosened as his startled look remained on his face. He then dropped onto the floor as Susie rolled away in shock.

She had killed Tepish.

* * *

The Doctor, Stacy and Max strolled through the corridors of Peladon, confused and uncomfortable.

"Nobody," the Doctor frowned. "There is nobody here. Nobody at all. Something terrible must have happened here."

"Someone must have been controlling that defense thing," Max shrugged.

"Not necessarily," the Doctor bit his lip. "It could've been automatic."

"At least we have the place to ourselves," Stacy tried to look on the bright side.

"But this doesnt make sense," the Doctor shook his head. "I chose a year when there was a federation meeting. Where are all the delegates?"

"I dont know what you are talking about but let's do something," Max suggesting. "Does this place have a pool?"

"Something terrible has happened here and all you care about is you're satisfaction. People could be dying somewhere in these halls, delegates I know and all you can think about is whether this place has a pool?" The Doctor ranted.

"Does it?" Stacy asked.

"Two lefts down that corridor but first we need to resolve what has happened here."

"Hey Doctor," Stacy turned around. "Where did Max go?"

The Doctod turned and saw he was gone, nowhere to be seen. "Eh?" He then turned and Stacy had vanished too. "Oh dear."

* * *

"What?" Stacy turned and saw Max banging on a glass wall.

"Let us out of here you green, cloaked idiot," Max yelled at Centauri on the other side of the glass.

"I'm so sorry," Centauri squeaked. "But I am acting on orders."

"Centauri!" Susie ran into the room. "I need you to open the armory."

"Susie!" Centauri spoke with shock. "If Tepish sees you have left the lab, he will kill you."

"Tepish is dead now open the armory," Susie repeated.

"Dead!" Centauri spun hysterically. "But he was the only one who knew where he delegates are hidden."

"Not necessarily," Susie explained. "I think I know where they are but the place is bound to be filled with traps so that's why I need weapons from the armory-"

"Someone please tell me what's going on!" Stacy interupted.

"What do I do with the intruders?" Centauri asked Susie.

"Intruders!" Max yelled. "Visitors."

"Yeah," Stacy nodded. "Me, Max and the Doctor landed at the bottom of the mountain-"

"The Doctor!" Centauri squealed with excitement. "The Savior of Peladon had finally returned!"

"I know what the Doctor looks like from the shrine," Susie crossed her arms. "And that fella on the scanner does not look like the Doctor."

"He told me about this thing once called regeneration," Stacy explained.

Max felt something deep inside him twinge at the word regeneration, but he thought nothing of it.

"When he is fatally injured or dying, he can change his whole physical appearance, heal himself and be reborn," Stacy finished.

"Sounds a bit comical if you ask me," Susie raised an eyebrow.

"There is one easy way to find out if they're lying Susie," Centauri approached the glass. "Nobody public knows this, what does the Doctors ship look like?"

"Its a blue box," Max smiled.

Centauri moved over to controls and raised the glass wall. "Let's find the Doctor."

"No need Centauri," the Doctor strode into the room. "I can find you lot easily enough."

* * *

Down a darkened tunnel, net traps hung from the ceiling.

Hallucination rays hung, waiting on the walls.

Cracks and trapdoors released light from the floor.

This darkened tunnel was ready, concealing secrets far beyond any bodies imagination.

* * *

"Doctor, is it really you?" Centauri bobbed up and down.

"Yes, I've told you yes," the Doctor rolled his eyes. "I've regenerated several dozen times since I last met you."

"If you are actually the Doctor," Susie walked up to him. "We owe you a great deal."

"Well you might have to owe him more after this is over," Stacy joked.

"So this Tepish dude," the Doctor was deep in thought. "You killed him," he addressed Susie.

Susie nodded.

"Tepish invaded the planet and took over," the Doctor bit his lip. "He's only one man, how can he take down and take over a whole castle of people."

"He was backed up by an unidentified battle ship in the atmosphere," Centauri explained. "And with the sudden death of the queen."

"The queen died!" The Doctor exclaimed in shock. "So there was an army of Peladon but nobody left to rule them."

"There were many conspiracies that they had been waiting for the right moment to invade," Susie sighed.

"Perhaps they were," the Doctor nodded. "Anyway, to matter at hand. The Delegates."

"Tepish was the only person who knew where they were imprisoned," Susie sighed with regret. "What have I done?"

"He probably wouldnt have told us even if he were alive," Max reassured her.

"I guess," Susie still stared at the floor.

"So, if we all search enough, I'm sure we can find the delegates," the Doctor said optimistically.

"There's no point," Susie shook her head. "Tepish told me once about the defences around the cell. If we ever got close, we'd die before we even knew it."

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