The Crimes of Peladon : Episode Six

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The large door creaked open as Centauri and Max entered the stand.

Luckily, some of the torches on the walls were still lit.

"Interesting," Centuari noticed the torches on the wall. "Tepish closed this area and promised to punish anyone that entered it. I was sure nobody had been here in months."

"That doesnt matter," Max looked down into the pit. "What does matter is how do I get down to the bottom of the pit?"

"That rope there," Centauri addressed the rope. "I shall lower you down."

"Okay thanks," Max grabbed onto the rope and put his full weight onto it as Centauri pulled a wheel in the corner of the room.

He was slowly lowered into the pit, he was 75 ft up, then 60, then 55.

"What's that light there?" Max noticed something directly above him.

"There's fire!" Centauri screamed. "The rope is burning through!"

"But that's a 50 ft drop," Max yelled. "Centauri!"

Centauri screamed with fear as the rope snapped and Max fell over 50 ft into the pit.


* * *

The water started to froth as a metallic box rose out of it.

"Where did that come from?" Stacy asked.

"I forgot," Susie panicked. "Not only is there a crystalline element in the water. It's dark water."

"The Doctor told me about that, it hides metal," Stacy ran to the door. "The door! Its automatically locked itself."

"Tepish must have set this trap," Susie ran to the door with her. "He said he didnt want people going into the pool."

The metal box started to open to reveal small yellow particles floating out of it.

"Hostile Nanogenes!" Susie yelled. "We're done for!"

They flew up over the water and closer and closer to them.

"Help Us! Somebody Help Us!"

Susie screamed and Stacy winced waiting for death.

But there was only one thing.


* * *

Daniel opened his eyes and looked around him.

For him, the darkness remained.

He could hear sinister laughing from all around him.

"You wont be able to resist forever," he heard the voice from around him.

"I'd rather die than let you take control," Max thought to himself but as he was in his mind, the words actually came out.

"I dont think so," the voice continued to laugh as Max regained consciousness.

* * *

"Are you okay?" Stacy was knelt over him when he woke up.

"Yeah," Max rubbed his head and looked groggily over at Alpha Centauri who was stiffly and hysterically rolling around on the floor in front of him. "I just had another nightmare."

"Listen Max," Stacy bit her lip. "I think we need to talk."

"Unfortunately I dont think now is the best time," Max got to his feet and felt light headed. "I still need to find out what the hell happened, the last I knew I was plummeting to my death."

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