Rebellion of the Daleks : Episode Six

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"Now, when I sonic this door open, the Daleks will detect us and we'll have around 5 minutes on the computer before it arrives," the Doctor explained. "We need to find out whatever we can in that time okay."

"Alright," Kate nodded.

"3, 2, 1," the Doctor opened the door.

* * *

In the buildings Dalek control room, an alarm sounded.

"Sonic activity detected on level 4," a Dalek announced.

"Evacuate the level and send a Dalek to investigate, it might be the Doctor."

* * *

After 2 minutes the floor had been completely evacuated.

"Keep an eye outside," the Doctor told Kate. "I estimate we only have a minute left."

"Okay," Kate peeped outside the door. "Found anything?"

"What's on the 7th floor?" The Doctor pulled up an architectural design of the building.

"This building only has 6 floors," Kate was confused.

"Not according to this."

Suddenly a humming sound came from the end of the room.

"The lifts coming Doctor!" Kate yelled. "Its just gone past floor 6."

"Hold on," the Doctor removed the image of the architectural plans and cleared the history. "Dont want them knowing my plan."

"Floor 5," Kate was worried.

"Shutting it down!"


The lift door opened and a Dalek slid out. "Seek, Locate, Destroy!"

"Run!" The Doctor ran out of the room closely followed by Kate.


The Dalek saw them and fired. The blast missed them and blew up a nearby desk.

"The stairs!" Kate yelled as the Doctor burst through the double doors and rushed down.

The Dalek lifted off the ground and levitated full speed down the stairs.

"Doctor!" Kate heard the whirring of the Daleks levitating technology just behind her. "I dont think we can make it."

"We can," the Doctor yelled. "We're nearly there."

They arrived at the bottom, ran out of the doors and jumped onto the boat.

"There's no way we can out run the Dalek on this boat," Kate sighed.

"You just watch me," the Doctor pulled out his sonic and blasted the water behind the boat sending it down the tunnel at great speed.

The Dalek emerged from the door and flew it's way towards them.


Kate screamed as a blast missed her by inches.



"Exterminate!" The blasts bounced off of the walls and back into the water.

The boat flew out onto the open ocean beside the large KhalidTech building and the Dalek flew out behind them.

"Its practically point blank now Doctor!" Kate yelled as she braced for impact.

"There's no time," the Doctor winced as he saw the only escape. "Jump!"

Doctor Who Future (Series Three)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora