Outside the Vortex : Episode Two

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"Either way you shall pay for trespassing here," the voice told them.

"Is that a threat," the Doctor sounded angry.

"No," the voice laughed. "Its a fact."

The light left Max's mind, leaving him crashing to the metallic Tardis floor.

The light bounced around the Tardis for a few seconds.

"Stacy, make sure Max is okay," the Doctor yelled as he followed the light with his eyes.

"I'm fine," Max said groggily. "What's going on?"

The light then flew into the Tardis console and the ship came back to life.

"No!" the Doctor yelled.

Stacy helped Max to his feet before they both returned to the console plactform.

"What is it?" Max saw the anger and fear on the Doctors face.

"The thing we were just talking to," the Doctor backed away from the console. "It now has control of the power of the Tardis. It can do anything to us. It has the power of our life and our death. I dont like to think about that punishment it talked to us about. We can only hope the punishment isnt too severe."


Stacy was dispersed in a flash of light.

"Where'd she go?" Max asked.


Max was next to be dispersed.

"Please, whatever you are," the Doctor spoke to the light. "Think about what you're doing-"


The Doctor was gone and the console room was empty.

* * *

Max looked around him and saw he was in some sort of circular room.

He was in an empty Tardis mercury tank.

A noise started to sound as a weird substance started to attack him through the floor.

"Ahhh," Max clutched his leg as he felt the pain in it.

* * *

The Doctor appeared in a large room and he recognised it instantly.

"The Tardis Punishment centre," the Doctor gasped. "I thought I had this place jettisoned."

"Oh Doctor," he heard the voice all around him. "You've given me a great idea. I knew how I would punish the boy and now I know how to punish the girl."

"All I said is that I thought I had this place jettisoned," the Doctor frowned.

"Exactly," he voice pulled up two viewing screens.

One showed Max in the tank.

The other showed Stacy in a Tardis storage centre.

"You're going to jettison her out of the ship!" The Doctor cried.

"Precisely," the voice laughed.

* * *

Stacy was disorientated until she realised where she was.

"Isnt this the Doctors dump?" Stacy realised.

She had the strong feeling that she was being watched but then it was as if the whole back wall of the room lot on fire.

She gasped as she saw the wall of fire start moving towards her.

Quickly, she searches through the piles of stuff the Doctor stored on his ship.

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