Outside the Vortex : Episode One

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Later on, Stacy joined the Doctor in the Tardis console room.

"Did you talk to Max?" The Doctor asked.

"Havent built up the nerve yet," Stacy sighed.

"We landed yet," Max walked into the room as the console lurched. "What was that?"

"I dont know," the Doctor switched on the scanner to reveal the deep blue vortex. "Something outside is affecting the ship."

Some glowing lights appeared in the vortex and hit the Tardis.

The console exploded launching them all off the main podium.

Glass from the central column rained down on them as debris crushed Stacy and Max from the ceiling.

"Doctor!" Stacy yelled with fear as she couldnt move one bit. "Help!"

The Tardis was pushed against the side of the Vortex by more of the lights and it was practically tearing the ship apart.

The side of the vortex looked like it was swallowing the Tardis, and it was.

Before anybody knew it, the Tardis fell Outside the Vortex...

* * *

"Help me!" Stacy cried trying to wriggle free of the debris she was crushed underneath.

"Stacy?" Max was on top of the debris, trying to find her.

"Yeah I'm here!" Stacy yelled with relief. "Help me Max."

"Alright," Max looked through cracks in the debris and saw Stacy. "Nice place you've got here."

"Dont," Stacy snapped before she remembered what Susie had said.

* * *

"Stacy," Susie gasped for breath.

"Dont speak, just relax," Stacy smiled at her.

"You really must talk to him y'know," Susie whispered so only Stacy could hear her. "Stay strong."

* * *

"Hey Max," Stacy sighed. "We need to talk."

"You want to do this now!" Max groaned as he tried to shift debris and free Stacy.

"We have to do this at some point," Stacy continued.

"I guess," Max nodded.

"I'm sorry I freaked out about everything," Stacy stared at the debris. "Its just, Daniel."

"I know about Daniel," Max admitted. "The Doctor told me back on the Adipose planet."

"I felt like I was betraying him but I thought it would be worth it," Stacy felt a wave of guilt. "I shouldn't have taken out my guilt on you, that wasnt right."

Max wedged the bit of debris out of the way, freeing Stacy. "Dont worry about it, we can just move on."

Stacy got up and hugged Max. "Thank you. I'm sorry."

"That's fine," Max freed himself from the hug. "Let's just try and find the Doctor."

"Doctor!" Stacy called for him.

"Well that wont be much help," Max sighed. "The whole ceiling caved in, he was probably knocked out. It's a miracle that neither of us were knocked out."

"Look at the console," Stacy examined the charred wreckage of the console. "Its been completely destroyed."

"Stacy!" Max pointed at the door. "Look!"

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