Rebellion of the Daleks : Episode Three

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"Damn it," a scruffy woman kneed the desk as a machine let out static.

"Hows it getting along Sam?" The Rebel joined her by the desk.

"No transitions yet but a Dalek one is due in 2 minutes," Sam sighed.

"Put it on," the Rebel ordered. "Nothing else is on."

* * *

Stacy woke up on the floor of a clear white cell room.

"Didnt I die?"

A Dalek then slid into the room. "You will answer our questions."

"I'm starting to wish I did," Stacy sighed.

* * *

The radio static stopped suddenly and a Dalek voice could he heard. "This is a message to all Rebels. Resistance is useless and you shall all be exterminated. Give up hope, there is none left. We will locate you and those of you that are waiting for your hero, the Doctor-"

Max almost jumped at the Doctor being mentioned. "Turn it up."

"The Doctor is dead," the Dalek spoke words that sent chills down their spine.

"Impossible," Max shook his head. "That's impossible."

"The Doctor has been killed so now there is no hope, no chance of survival. Nothing left for any of you."

* * *

"You will tell us who you came here with," the Dalek pushed Stacy into the corner.

"I wont talk!" Stacy struggled against the Dalek.

"That will soon change," the Dalek fired several circular waves from its plunger at Stacy.

"Argh!" Stacy dropped to the floor. "My mind, it's on fire."

"I can make you feel your worst memories," the Dalek pushed her up against the wall as she struggled to her feet.

"I cant talk," Stacy told herself more than the Dalek.

The Dalek fired stronger waves out of its plunger.


* * *

"I would never ever give you permission to wipe my memory!" Stacy yelled. "Whoever this guy is that you erased from my memory, he is damn important to me and the fact I cant even remember-"

"I will give you the memories back," the Doctor sighed. "But dont say I didnt warn you." He took a gun out of his pocket. "Memory healer gun. I just wanted to help," he still avoided eye contact.

"JUST DO IT!" Stacy yelled as she took a blast from the memory healer gun.

* * *

Stacy was in a heap on the floor, gasping and crying. "Stop!"

"How much more do you think you can take?" The Dalek forced her back to her feet but she could barely stand.

"I wont talk," Stacy hit the Daleks dome effortlessly. "I wont!"

The Dalek fired even stronger waves knocking Stacy to the ground again. "Then we shall go deeper."


* * *

The Doctor looked at Stacy. "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him."

Stacy shook her head. "Take us back."



"I'm not going through this again," the Doctor bit his lip.

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