Rebellion of the Daleks : Episode Seven

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The lights flashed on to reveal several dozens of Daleks surrounding them and preparing there weapons.

"Its right here Doctor," the Master popped up from behind a Dalek and leant against it. "Hello!"

"Ugh," Stacy could only see Max. "I cant believe it was you all along."

"Oh Doctor, you're still with this one? You must really like her," the Master looked Stacy up and down.

"So you knew I was coming then," the Doctor sighed.

"Where else would you go other than right back to your UNIT boys," the Master shook his head. "You are so predictable Doctor. I remember years and years ago, the autons, the mind machine, the axons."

"All irrelevant," the Doctor bit his lip. "What are you going to do with us?"

The Master pulled out a Dalek blaster.


The blast went right through the Doctor before he fell to the floor.

"Doctor!" Kate caught him as he fell to the ground.

The Doctor started to glow.

"Oh no Doctor," the Master pulled out his laser screwdriver and dropped the Dalek blaster. He fired it at the Doctor and the energy faded away. "I'm preventing your regeneration until I can extract the lives from you."

"The Doctor has been killed," a Dalek turned to the others. "The Master is no longer needed."

"Eh?" The Master backed away.


They fired at the Master who fell to the floor.

"Now kill the females," the Dalek ordered as the others turned to Stacy and Kate.

"What do we do?" Stacy asked.

"Nothing," Kate looked at the ground and waited. "We're done for."

"Send the signals to the Dalek ship, the Dalek Invasion plan will go ahead!"

Then a sound filled the room.

"Impossible," Stacy gasped.

The Tardis matierialised around Stacy and Kate as they appeared in the console room.


In a flash, the Doctors body dissapeared.

"The Tardis has mateirialised!" The Daleks all panicked. "Stop them! Stop them!"

"Hold on!" The Doctor yelled as he ran around the console operating controls.

"What the hell happened back there?" Stacy was in shock.

"I'm still figuring it out myself," the Doctor shook his head.

"We saw you die!" Kate yelled.

"What? Just hold on!" The Doctor yelled back as he flipped as switch.

The Tardis dematerialised.

* * *

"Place boundaries around the building!" The Dalek ordered the others. "They cannot escape!"

* * *

"We cant get far," the Doctor told them. "But we'll do what we can."

The Tardis mateirialised on the first floor of KhalidTech and they all ran out.

"Why did we have to leave?" Stacy asked.

"The Tardis wont break through the border with people inside," the Doctor explained as the Tardis left them behind. "We'll have to make it through London back to UNIT without the Tardis. I suggest we get a move on."

* * *

"Begin the Dalek Invasion!" The Emporer spoke to the Daleks in the control room.

"Preparation is complete," the Dalek replied. "Invasion will begin shortly."

* * *

"Timothy, get of that darn thing and help me with the washing," a female yelled through the household.

"Alright coming Mum-" he replied but his sentence was cut of by a strange noise coming from his device.

The KhalidTech symbol at the top glinted a deep blue as it rose into the air and flew out of the house.

"What the hell is that sound?" His mother came in to check on him and saw the device fly into the sky.

Timothy looked back at her. "Awh man!"

* * *

As the Doctor, Stacy and Kate emerged from inside the building, they saw thousands of devices flying into the sky and connecting to eachother.

"What's that?" Kate pointed at all of the flying devices.

"The Invasion has started," the Doctor sighed as he looked up and saw all of the Daleks flying out of the top of the KhalidTech building. "We have to get back to UNIT, come on!"

"Located the Doctor!" A Dalek flew down towards them.



"Come on," the Doctor ran followed by Stacy and Kate.

"Doctor, we dont stand a chance," Kate as a green UNIT van pulled up.

"Get in," Osgood opened the door.

"Hurry up!" The other Osgood yelled from the back.

They all climbed in and drove off full speed, dodging Dalek blasts as they came.

The Osgood in the back puffed her inhaler as she saw the amount of Daleks pursuing them.

"How long till we get to UNIT?" The Doctor asked.

"Around 10 minutes," the Osgood driving answered.

"Hopefully we can survive for that long," Stacy ducked as a blast landed near her window.

* * *

The Rebel had nearly been escorted to the Dalek city before he decided he had to take action.

"Ow," the Rebel clutched his chest and fake collapsed to the floor.

"Halt," one Dalek ordered the others. "You will get up."

"Ahhh," the Rebel groaned as if he were in pain.

"Get to your feet," the Dalek ordered as he grabbed the metal bar secretly strapped to his leg and launched it at them.

It destroyed every Dalek like a boomerang and returned to him.

He got to his feet and ran full speed to the dead jungle nearby. He had to run and hide before the Daleks caught onto him.

* * *

The car pulled up at UNIT HQ and they all ran in closely followed by Daleks.

Using advanced alien weapons, the UNIT soldiers blasted the Daleks and defended their base.

Once the Doctor was in, he used his sonic screwdriver to summon the Tardis which smoothly mateirialised beside the eye.

"Doctor, what do we do now?" Stacy asked.

"We cant stop the Dalek Invasion on Earth," the Doctor sighed. "So we're gonna have to go to Skaro and force the Emporer to stop it."

"Good idea," Kate nodded as she approached the Tardis but the Doctor stopped her.

"No," the Doctor shook his head. "You're going to stay here."

"No I am not," Kate was shocked.

"You're father wouldve wanted me to ensure you're safe," the Doctor told her.

"By leaving me in the middle of and Invasion," Kate was furious.

"Its more dangerous on Skaro," the Doctor sighed. "I'm sorry, come on Stacy."

"No," Kate yelled as they went inside and shut Kate out. "Not again!"

The Tardis dematerialised leaving her behind.

The end was getting closer and closer now...

Closer and closer...

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