Rebellion of the Daleks : Episode One

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The Doctor stood by the console, waiting for Stacy to finish her book.

Finally she closed the page and got to her feet.

"Agatha Christie is so good," she stared at the cover of Murder on the Orient Express.

"She's really nice in person too," the Doctor pretended to examine some readings on the Tardis monitor.

"Are you kidding?" Stacy gasped. "You met Agatha Christie."

"Yeah, we had to fight a big wasp," the Doctor nodded. "And dont get me started with the Orient Express."

"Wow," Stacy rolled her eyes and walked down the left Tardis corridor.

The Doctor waited a couple of minutes to ensure that Stacy had gone before he walked down the opposite Tardis corridor.

Stacy reappeared from out of the other corridor and started to follow the Doctor.

They both went down a series of windy, complex tunnels until the Doctor arrived at the dead end.

Stacy peeped around the corner in confusion as the Doctor placed his hand against the wall and pulled out a handle.

He used the handle to open a secret door and then he walked in. The door closed behind him.

Stacy emerged from around the corner and felt for the handle, she found it and pulled the door open as quietly as she could.

The door closed behind her and she continued down the corridor.

She had never been any place like this in the Tardis before. The amount of unexplored areas in the Tardis unnerved her.

Around the corner, she could see the Doctor pick up a thick metal bar of some sort.

He then approached some sort of cell and walked into it.

Stacy sighed as she walked into the room. Inside were cabinets filled with 500 year diaries, scientific equipment beyond Stacy's understanding and diagrams up on the walls of things Stacy recognised but couldn't pick out.

She was tired of hiding now so she went over to the cell to see what the Doctor was up to.

The door opened and she gasped at what she saw inside.

A Dalek.

"Doctor!" Stacy yelled in shock.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The Doctor was furious. "This is a private area, how dare you!"

"Why have you got a Dalek on the ship, that's extremely dangerous and irresponsible," Stacy was horrified. "Just having that thing here endangers both of mine and Max's lives!"

"Look," the Doctor pointed at the Dalek. "Its in chains, in one of the strongest cells in the universe."

"Why is it even here?" Stacy asked.

"I will explain in a minute, its active at the moment," the Doctor readied the bar.

"Doctor!" Stacy yelled as he hit the Dalek repeatedly with the bar.

The Dalek screamed loudly as the Doctor continued to swing.

Stacy went over and stopped the Doctor. "You are going to explain yourself right now."


"Right. Now!"

"Fine," the Doctor stormed out of the cell, followed by Stacy. He closed the door and then turned to Stacy. "How did you find out about this place?"

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