Picking Up

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Good luck😁

After the unexpected incident, Yibo and Xiao Zhan were sitting in the park, not far from the parking lot where Yibo was walking earlier. For a moment they were silent.No one started a conversation. Only the sound of lilting winds brushed the two faces of the two handsome men. 


 "this." Yibo handed over the paper bag to Xiao Zhan. The man responded to it with raised eyebrows.

 "I don't need that expensive watch," Yibo continued.

 Xiao Zhan pushed back the paper bag. "I don't like taking back anything  I have given.”

 "And I don't like accepting anything, if I haven't done my job." Yibo replied sharply. 

 Xiao Zhan linked his eyebrows then looked at Yibo.

 "You want an assignment," Xiao Zhan asked and Yibo replied with a quick nod.

 "Alright, I'll send you a text tonight about your assignment. I want you to use that watch and now I want you to accompany me to eat." He said finally dragging Yibo's hand like a child leaving the place. 

 "I don't want to, I don't want to be at the same table with your ex-wife." Yibo refused to try to release Xiao Zhan's hand on his wrist. 

 "Why don't you want to? She won't bite you."

 "It's not like that, I just don't like to see It." hearing that answer Xiao Zhan stopped then turned towards Yibo. "Why don't you like it?" Xiao Zhan asked, making Yibo's heart beat uncontrollably.

 "That's because, I don't like his ugly face." Yibo stammered. It was clear that he was lying. And stupidly the man in front of him believed him. ( I think Yibo talking about Aling)

 " He is at  home. You won't see his ugly face. So stop denying me." Xiao Zhan said without looking back, not noticing Yibo's gaping face. How could Xiao Zhan leave his child and his ex-wife only because of him? Then was it wrong if Yibo felt

flattered about it.(NO) 

 "Why did he go home? Did you send her away too?" Yibo asked with a restrained smile.

 Xiao zhan did not answer making Yibo hiss in annoyance. Even so he still smiled with a silly grin staring at their intertwined hands.

 When they entered the restaurant they became the center of people’s attention. 

 "Sit down," Xiao Zhan said when they reached the same table where Xiao Zhan and his ex-wife had sat earlier. Yibo just did what Xiao Zhan told him to do. 

 "So where is  your ex-wife?" Yibo asked again, staring at Xiao Zhan who was concentrating on playing with his cellphone.

 "Why do you want to know." Xiao Zhan softly answered Yibo's gaze with a gentle look. 

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