Doctor's Visit

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*The Next Day*

Charlie: Alastor baby you need to go to the doctors you are getting worse everyday.

Alastor: Charlie my dear I think I'm fine, what's important right now is stopping Vaggie from hurting you.

Charlie: I don't give a fuck about that right now, I need to know why your sick so I can finally rest easy.

Alastor: Fine I'll go see the doctor but I'm only doing it for you my dear.

*They Drive to the doctors office and Charlie checks him in*

Nurse: Ok he's in the system, go the sick waiting room and a doctor will be meeting you shortly.

Charlie: Thank you so much

*They wait in the waiting room and a doctor enters the room*

Doctor: Alastor?

Alastor: That's me doc

Doctor: Ok, how are you feeling today?

Alastor: My wounds are healing up nice but I can't keep my food down and my stomach hurts all the time.

Charlie: He also keeps getting a very bad fever and I'm getting very worried about it.

Doctor: Let me take a look at your wounds

Alastor: *Takes shirt off to show his back*

Doctor: Ok your wounds don't to seem to be infected and they are going away nicely like you said.

Alastor: Do you think I'm fine doc?

Doctor: I'm gonna take a sample of your blood and see what's wrong with you.

Alastor: Ugh I hate needles doc

Doctor: *laughs* it's ok just look at your girlfriend when I do the process.

Alastor: Ok doc, I'll try

*The Doctor takes a needle and puts it in his arm*

Charlie: Look at me sweetie

Alastor: *Groans in pain*

Doctor: Done, I want you to stay here until we have the results.

Charlie: Ok doc thank you so much.

*2 Hours Later*

Doctor: Ok guys we have your results and we have bad news.

Alastor: Oh no what is it

Doctor: It looks like you were poisoned very bad and we do have the treatment for it but it will be a month treatment.

Alastor: Well shit, I wonder how that happened

Doctor: Here take these pills and take 1 a day and it will clear your system.

Alastor: Thank you at much doc.

*At Home*

Charlie: I'm so glad that I know what's wrong with you *kisses*

Alastor: That bastard Valentino is gonna fucking pay

Charlie: Don't worry sweetie we will take care of him soon now get some rest and take your medication.

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