Lost (Character Death)

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*Its now the battle of hell, Lucifer hopes to win his castle back and capture Vaggie and Alastor hopes to get his powers back from Vaggie*

Lucifer: The people of hell, today is the day we take back our territory and stop Vaggie once and for all are you ready everyone.

Charlie: Were with you dad, no matter what happens you were a good dad to me.

Alastor: I stand with you as well sir until the end.


Lucifer: MARCH

*The Radio Demoness*

Valentino: There marching up right now Vaggie.

Radio Demoness: Good, there walking right into our ambush

*The Battlefield*

Lucifer: Hold it, I think there planning an ambush

Charlie: How do you know that father?

Lucifer: I can sense demons all around us and there negative demons to.

Alastor: Shit, what do we do?

Lucifer: We'll just have to flank them. Charlie & Alastor kill those men in those bushes, we'll get the ones up ahead.

Charlie & Alastor: Got It

Lucifer: Men and woman move out

*Charlie and Alastor move to the bushes quietly to sneak up on the soldiers*

Alastor: Don't fucking move *puts knife to soldiers neck*

Soldier: Ok..ok

Alastor: I want you to tell me where the fuck is Vaggie?

Soldier: Who's Vaggie I don't know who that is

*Alastor stabs his knee*

Alastor: You better tell me or I'll pop your goddamn knee off.

Soldier: Fine I'll tell you, she's in the castle main quarters.

Alastor: See that wasn't so hard now wasn't it? *Slits throat*

Charlie: Alastor....

Alastor: Oh shit....did you see that my dear

Charlie: I did and it kind of scared me.

Alastor: Please don't be scared of me my dear I'll always have that psychopath in me.

Charlie: Ok, let's get back with my dad

*They reach the checkpoint to see Lucifer fighting Vaggie*

Charlie: Oh my god, he's fighting her

Alastor: Don't worry he's got this

*Vaggie and Lucifer*

Lucifer: You have ruined my kingdom for far to long your reign of tyranny is over Vaggie

Vaggie: Oh please old man, it was time for a new person to take over the throne and it is me I'll be the best queen hell has seen and your daughter will be my bride.

Lucifer: Will you grow up, my daughter is dating Alastor and he's my future son and law and I never saw you as part of the family, you abused my daughter mentally and you will pay for it you bitch.

*They clash swords and jump on buildings for more high ground*

Lucifer: You will be stopped, you will pay for what you did to my loving wife.

*They clash swords again until Lucifer messes up his footing which causes Vaggie to stab him in the stomach*

Charlie: NO!!!!!!!! DAD!!!

*Lucifer falls off the building and lands in front of Charlie and Alastor*

Charlie: DAD!!! Stay with me *sobs*

Lucifer: My daughter please take care of the people and Alastor be a better a king than I was it's time for me to my brother God again.

*All of a sudden a white beam of power exits Lucifer and enters Alastor and Alastor appearance changes*

Charlie: Alastor, your the king of hell now....

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