Lets have a baby (Lemon)

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*Alastor and Charlie were ready do the business and start having children*

Alastor: Charlie my dear it's my first time so please don't judge me.

Charlie: Don't worry honey I think you'll do fine just get on top of me

Alastor: *kisses her while they take off their clothes*

Charlie: Are you ready Al?

Alastor: Yes I am my dear *enters her and starts thrusting*

Charlie: Go slow please *moaning in pain*

Alastor: Ok I'm sorry I should just pull out

Charlie: No it's ok it just hurts during the first time I'm just getting used to your size.

*Alastor slowly thrusts in Charlie and she starts feeling pleasure and starts screaming*

Charlie: Ah....Ah...Go faster

Alastor: Your wish is yours to command my dear *Goes faster*

Charlie: Oh...my...god...your so big

Alastor: Ugh your so tight

*They have been going at it for an hour and they both start to feel their climaxes*

Charlie: Cum in me Al, I need it inside me *moans loudly*

*Alastor releases his seed inside of Charlie and They relax in the bed*

Alastor: That was amazing my dear, you were wonderful

Charlie: Thanks you were as well, I didn't know you were gonna be that good in bed *laughs*

Alastor: We should do that again sometime.

Charlie: Trust me Alastor were gonna keep doing this until you put a baby in me

Alastor: Alright we should get some sleep until people investigate what we're those sounds *laughing*

*They go to bed and we're excited for the next day*


*Charlie wakes up and doesn't see Alastor in bed*

Charlie: Where could he be?

*All of a sudden Charlie smells something wonderful and she goes downstairs and sees Alastor cooking breakfast*

Alastor: Good morning beautiful I made you breakfast and coffee.

Charlie: Thank you so much Al you are so good to me *kisses him*

Alastor: Well I had to make breakfast after our fun last night *laughs*

*Lucifer walks in and smiles*

Lucifer: Are you two in the process of giving me a grandchild?

Charlie: Oh my god dad, please don't ask about my sex life

Lucifer: Oh please this is still my castle and we heard you two fuck last night so don't act like that.

Charlie: Sorry dad I didn't meant to be rude with you.

Lucifer: It's ok sweetie, I didn't mean to be cold at you either, let's just eat some breakfast and relax for the day.

Charlie: I like that *smiles*

*They eat breakfast and laugh at Alastor's Dad jokes*=

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