When We Were Together

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Charlie: Dad can you please the tell the story about when You and Valentino we're getting it on

Lucifer: Can you not ask it like that, but yes I can tell you the story when we were together. It all started when I was serving God in heaven.

*Timeline 1*

God: Lucifer my brother, can you look into the Valentino demon that stirring up trouble on earth?

Lucifer: Sure thing brother, you know I'll do anything for you.

God: Hurry before he starts anymore chaos.

*Lucifer arrives on earth and see the demon burning everything*

Lucifer: Damn he's kind of hot, what the hell I can't think like that I'm pure.

Valentino: I can read your mind Angel of God.

Lucifer: Well shit, this is awkward *blushes*

Valentino: I didn't know God had queer angels *laughs*

Lucifer: Oh uh, I'm not Gay I don't care about gender or sex.

Valentino: Pansexual huh, very rare but anyway I'm flattered and I think I like you as well.

Lucifer: I'm Lucifer btw

Valentino: You already know my name but anyway nice to meet you, so anyway wanna go somewhere more private.

Lucifer: I would love that *Kisses him*

*They rent a hotel room and start they steamy activity*

Lucifer: That was pretty amazing

Valentino: You were pretty good for a first timer *laughs*

Lucifer: I gotta go my brother will kill me if he finds out what we did *putting on his clothes*

Valentino: I swear your brother is so fucking closed minded.

Lucifer: I agree but he's all I have right now.

Valentino: I understand, see you again soon *Kisses him*

Lucifer: Oh defiantly

*Lucifer Returns to Heaven and meets a angry brother*

God: Where were you brother?

Lucifer: I couldn't find him, I think he escaped

God: Well give me a update next time

Lucifer: Will do brother.

Timeline 2

Valentino: Babe I think you should tell God about us Your his brother I think he will understand.

Lucifer: You know I can't, he doesn't know I like to date men as well or anyone for that matter.

Valentino: Give it some time my love, maybe he will accept us in the future.

Lucifer: I really hope so *kisses him*

*Lucifer returns to heaven and decides to ask God*

Lucifer: Hey God can I ask a question?

God: Of course brother what is it?

Lucifer: Would you accept me if I was to date a male?

*God slaps Lucifer in the face hard*

God: absolutely not, I created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, are you faggot Lucifer?

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