War Prep

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*Lucifer has been training Alastor for three weeks now and he believes he's ready for the fight*

Lucifer: Well, Alastor you are a quick learner and I'm really impressed.

Alastor: Thank you sir

Lucifer: I do have a question for you and Charlie

Alastor: Sure ask away sir

Lucifer: When are you two gonna give Me and Lilith a grandchild

Alastor: *Blushes hard* Hopefully soon but were not ready for that for now.

Lucifer: Relax I'm just messing with you Al

Alastor: So when are we attacking The Radio Demoness army?

Lucifer: In 3 weeks so we gotta get ready and train more soldiers and I need to make sure my daughter is in on this as well.

Alastor: I know she is sir, Hell is our home and we defend it.

Lucifer: I swear without your powers you are a completely different demon.

Alastor: Charlie says the same thing and I think it's weird being powerless and hopefully when we defeat Vaggie I can get my powers back but I can also destroy them completely.

Lucifer: What do you mean?

Alastor: I mean when I take the power from Vaggie I can use a spell that is still in me to destroy the power or put it back in me

Lucifer: Wait you still have a spell in you?

Alastor: Correct, I cant use it unless the power is out of a host

Lucifer: Ah I understand now. Well it's getting late you should go home to Charlie.

Alastor: Yeah your right, see you later sir.

*At The Hotel*

Alastor: Honey I'm home

Charlie: Hey baby how was your day with my dad? *kisses him*

Alastor: Fine he says I'm ready for the battlefield

Charlie: Well that's good, do you know what your gonna do when we capture Vaggie?

Alastor: Take my powers back and become the True Radio Demon again.

Charlie: I'll take The Radio Demon over The Radio Demoness any day.

Alastor: I bet you would you dirty minded girl *laughs*

Charlie: Well I made your favorite, jambalaya

Alastor: This is why I love you so much, you know what's my favorite food.

Charlie: I know it's not good as your mothers but I tried.

Alastor: It's just as good, your's is just as special to me.

Charlie: Aww thanks babe that means a lot to me

*The Radio Demoness Castle*

Valentino: Vaggie, Lucifer has created a rebellion and wants to declare war on us.

The Radio Demoness: Let him declare war, once I kill the leader of hell I will take the throne and make everyone in hell my pets.

Valentino: Do I alert the soldiers?

The Radio Demoness: Tell them get ready for War because we will kill Lucifer and his little rebellion.

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