Chapter 5: Freedom

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Donatello didn't sleep. He couldn't. He's been sending his location to Leo and Master Splinter through his smartwatch, but he hadn't gotten a response.

Given, he didn't know where he was. There was no window and the artificial lights were on all of the time. That being said, given the length of the drive and the direction they originally started heading in, he was either in northeastern New Jersey or Southeastern Pennsylvania.

But he couldn't be sure. His technology was just out of reach, and the battery of his watch had started to run down under 20%.

Foot Clan soldiers were always in sight. There was at least one, always. They were in the room he was kept in- snug in the corner near the door while facing him. Or they were guarding the door with their back away from him. During the latter, he took the chance to try and reach his technology, but even the slightest sound would have a Foot soldier in front of him pointing a gun at his head.

Until the moment it clicked.

His watch started receiving message after message at an overwhelming rate. They were from Mikey and Raph, but none were from Splinter or Leo. He read through the ones from Raph first.



Friday, March 13th at 4:17 AM

Don, I don't know if you're going to get this.

Hell, I don't even know if you're alive

But anyways, Vern, April, Splinter, and Leo are dead.

They got killed while we were following the Foot taking you

I tried.

Tuesday, March 18, at 4:54 AM

I hope you're doing okay.

Mikey told you about Delilah, I know.

I saw him texting you about her

She's really cool, she runs a bakery. 

Anyways, these aren't going through.

And I need to sleep

Or, at least try to.

Please be strong, Don.

We're working with the cops to find you, all over New England

We'll find you.

I promise



Friday, March 13th at 5:39 AM

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