Chapter 23: Across the Barrier

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"You're Delilah, right?" Leo asked Delilah, looking directly at her. Delilah nodded.

"Yeah. Leo?" She was surprised she could speak.

"That's me." He seemed to chuckle. "Get on the hammock, it's more comfortable than the floor," he added. She nodded and did so.

"You... You're dead. I'm not. How are we... Talking?" Delilah asked, somewhat confused.

"I honestly have no idea. I saw you meditating earlier, then heard you, my brothers, and my sister talking in the kitchen, so I came here to greet you I guess," he responded.

"You can hear us? And see us?"

"Those I have met in life, yes. Anyone else is blurry and their voices seem to have gone through autotune-"

"Three times over," Delilah agreed. "I know."

"You're somewhat like that right now. When I saw you with Splinter earlier, everyone but Raph, Donnie, and Mick was like that. Now you're just... Less of that, if that makes sense," Delilah explained.

"Visually clearer and audibly more normal?" Leo asked. Delilah agreed. "Yeah, same for you. Less messed up." They both chuckled.

"Um... Your siblings, they have questions."

"I figured. I left before I heard them, so ask away."

"Mick asked: What is it like on the other side and what is it like to die?" Delilah asked. Leo thought.

"Tell her: it's nice over here. I'm in the city, but it's... Different. There are the people that have died in the city- regular people, victims, elderly, young. I've actually met a few celebrities- John Lennon, Malcolm X, and Alexander Hamilton to name a few. It's nice, and all of the people are good. And I can walk the streets now, and no one really cares- all they worry about is how I died and if it was for good cause, and they treat me like a normal person. To die, it hurt at first, but then I came here a while later. I entered this world the exact spot I got shot in."

"Donnie asked: Where is it?" Delilah asked. Leo chuckled.

"Tell him: I actually asked someone, once. We're in a physical place, but also not. Something about the crossroads between dimensions. If a living person enters and stays for too long, their physical body will die and they'll stay here forever, messing up the space-time continuum. Reminds me of a 'Back to the Future' movie. I also have a way to look at anyone I want, as long as I had known them while I was living. If I stand where you guys are, I can see and hear you. And I can see a few days before you guys, so just... Keep calm. I also can overhear Delilah, but her voice is fuzzy and her image isn't clear- since I never met her. Oh, and I'm with Vern, April, and Dad. They all love her. Vern loves Dill's sarcasm, too."

"Raph said that it's been chaotic here, and he misses you." Leo smiled sadly.

"I can imagine. But I've had a feeling that Delilah would be a good fit, for a lot of things. She's an independent girl who isn't afraid to let her guard down- given what I've seen of her when she's with you guys. Dill and Tina seem cool too, though I can't really hear them much (especially Tina since she's in quarantine). But I know Delilah is also the link between you, Donnie, and Michele- she's able to care and calm all of you, and... And lead your asses into some one-of-a-kind battles. And I know that you and her dating is a beautiful thing- she is a good match for you, brother. I hope me being able to tell you this has helped bring down the chaos- at least a little. I miss you too, and I love you lots."

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