Chapter 34: Next Step

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Delilah hated every second of having the cast on her ankle.

She hated it even though Mick drew dozens of hearts on the foot of the cast. She hated it even though Tina drew multiple constellations and solar systems on the leg of the cast.

Dill offered to give her a tattoo. They had gotten a machine for the sole purpose of doing it for the Vine TikTok(?) since they had already given Tina a tattoo on her wrist. It was in orange ink and of two pairs of nunchucks making the ∞ symbol.

Delilah also accepted a tattoo. She had gotten the idea of doing an ancient Japanese symbol from seeing an old article April O'Neil had written when she first met the turtles. It was about how the "vigilante" wrote the symbol at every Foot Clan sighting. When she asked Raph what the symbol meant, he told her it meant "Family," and she knew that was the design she wanted.

It's on her left shoulder blade. Dill expertly illustrated the symbol in blue, red, purple, and orange ink in a tye-dyed manner. Underneath it in black ink, they wrote "family" in cursive. They took a picture and showed it to Delilah before wrapping it so it could set. She loved it.

No matter what happened, Delilah still hated the cast. Donnie never let her stand on it at all, which she felt was torture. Until she tried to walk on her own, then she promised she would never try that again.

Raph never dared to leave her side for more than an hour a day. He would take a 20-minute nap in his room, train for 30 minutes, then take a shower. He would be back in the lab the moment he put on a clean pair of shorts.

It's been 2 months, 0 weeks, 1 day, 0 hours, 14 minutes, and 45 seconds since Donnie put the cast on Delilah's ankle. Again, she hated it.

But, now it was time for the cast to be taken off.


Donnie was preparing his cutting blade on his lab table. Delilah was watching him. Raph was watching her while holding her hand to his heart. Donnie faced them, holding the small, round blade.

"Remember, when I cut off the cast, your ankle will feel a bit weaker for a variety of different reasons-"

"I know, Don," Delilah chuckled. "You've said it only a thousand times." Donnie rolled his eyes.

"I just don't want you to re-do some damage," he said.

"I know. It's not like I've never broken a bone. Even though it's a bit different this time around." Donnie scoffed.

"That's an understatement..."

Donnie pulled on a pair of goggles and handed a pair to both Delilah and Raph.

"Ready?" Donnie asked.

"As I'll ever be," Delilah shrugged. Raph smiled.

Donnie turned on the drill and Raph jumped- almost cartoonishly. Donnie immediately turned it off and he and Delilah both burst into laughter.

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