Chapter 13: Invention of Loss

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Delilah couldn't help but take Leo's katanas to his room. She laid on his hammock, her armor still on and katanas in her hands. She could tell Leo had done this often; he had wood planks installed on the ceiling and there were marks and holes from the swords. She threw one into a hole, directly followed by the other into another.

She looked up at the swords. Both were stuck in the wood, and they weren't going to budge on their own. Feeling lazy, she wondered if there was a way for her to get them without moving. She looked at the hilts of both of them and noticed the width and length. She sat up and looked even closer.

That's when she had an idea. Crazy- maybe impossible- but an idea.

"Donnie!" Delilah screamed. She had run to the weapon wall and grabbed the extra katanas as well as holding on to Leo's in their scabbards, then went to Donnie's lab. "Don! Donnie, Donnie! Stop panicking- I have an idea, hear me out-"

"Slow down, hold on," Donnie laughed. He put a pause and saved the notes he was taking on a new chemical lab he was working on. He cleaned up and gave Delilah his full attention. "Okay, go..."

"So I was in Leo's room and you probably know he had wood panels on the ceiling above his hammock. So, that being said, I threw his katanas into the panels and was being lazy so I had a crazily impossible idea about how to get them out of the wood without moving much at all," Delilah explained. Donnie nodded along.

"Okay, go on." She put the extra katanas onto his workspace and pointed out their hilts.

"My idea is, we make a connection between the hilts of the katanas and my hands- like in the palms of gloves- so with a motion of my hands, I can recall the katanas from wherever."

"Like a Bluetooth, or an induction wireless connection, or maybe directional magnetic fields. But it'll also be activated by pressure or motion," Donnie considered.

"Exactly!" Delilah exclaimed, pointing to Donnie. He nodded, and his smile started growing.

"It's crazy- maybe even impossible- but I am most definitely willing to try it," Donnie said. Delilah celebrated.


Dill and Mikey were curious about what Delilah and Donnie were working on. They watched with child-like wonder as Delilah and Donnie worked. Raph just watched, entertained by their enthusiasm for a project they wouldn't speak a word about until they were done.

Donnie and Delilah used the extra pair of katanas to experiment with. They took off the very end of the hilts and hollowed out the insides. Donnie found an old pair of Casey's fingerless biker gloves and was ecstatic. He was able to attach a pad to the palms that were connected to the hilts of the katanas. The right glove was connected via Bluetooth and the left glove was connected via an induction wireless connection.

Donnie sealed the ends of the hilts and Delilah put on the gloves. They went to the Dojo and Donnie handed over the katanas. Dill, Mikey, and Raph all watched from the sidelines. Delilah was giddy.

"Ready?" Donnie asked.

"Hell yeah," Delilah responded. She lifted the katanas then threw them into the wall with all the strength she could muster. Raph scoffed.

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