Chapter 20: Third Times the Charm

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It was 7:45 AM on April 4th, 2020 when all of the patients taken by the Foot Clan were transferred and quarantined in the New York-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital. Delilah, Dill, and the turtles sat outside of Athena's room in an enclosed area where only staff could go.

"And... That's about what you missed," Dill concluded with a shrug. Athena looked through the window at her friends- old and new.

"So... You guys had an older brother Leo who died fighting one section of the Foot while another bombed Columbus Place and killed the Lawsons?" Athena asked to confirm.

"Well, technically yes," Donnie stated.

"Okay..." Athena nodded.

"You also lost April from Channel 6, Vern 'the Falcon,' and your Father- Master Splinter?" Athena asked.

"Yeah. Vern and April were close friends of ours," Raph said, shifting slightly.

"I'm sorry. About all of them," Athena said earnestly.

"It's okay, we're working through it together," Raph responded.

"It's what we do," Mick added. "We're siblings after all."

Athena smiled at the way they were all close. She also appreciated how she didn't feel left out of it, even with being gone for months and in quarantine.

"I have a couple questions for you, Mick, if you don't mind?" Athena asked. Mick smiled and adjusted happily.

"Fire away!" Mick responded with a smile.

"So... You're trans?"

"Yup! The name's Michele, but you obviously know my nickname

"Tea time... Raph and Dee like each other- given how obvious it was?" Delilah flushed red. "Yes, okay. And Dill and Donnie like each other, since that, too, is obvious? With how you looked at each other during storytime?" Dill stood up.

"Incorrect, I am... I... You- no- Tina!" Dill groaned as they sat back in their seat. Athena laughed.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Delilah asked. "You're not the only one who sees it."

"Delilah Avery Lawson, you mean son of a bitch," Dill muttered.

"What're your thoughts, Donnie?" Athena asked. Donnie's eyes were wide and his face flushed red.

"I... You... Dill, I... Oh..." he adjusted his glasses and didn't make eye contact with anyone. Mick giggled.

"Donnie and Dill, sitting in a tree-"

"Mick, if you finish that rhyme, I will sneak into your bedroom and eat your traffic light piece by piece," Dill pointed at Mick.


"Mother fucking bullshittery butterbeer fucktard! Asshole mother bitch McFry-" Dill screeched as they tried to climb over Delilah, Raph, and Donnie to get to Mick.

"Dill, buddy ol' pal, what the fuck?" Donnie asked, gripping Dill's face. His face flushed even more but kept eye contact with Dill, whose eyes were wide.

"Just fucking kiss you dumb bitches," Raph rolled his eyes. Dill moved from their awkward positioning but kept eye contact with Donnie.

"I, um... May I?" Dill asked quietly. Donnie nodded.

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