Chapter 12: The Trial Fight

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"We have no idea of Baxter's coordinates, but we have signals over radar pinpointing a 5-block radius," Vincent explained as she led them through the department. "Here's where we collect our data."

"Oh boy..." Donnie gasped immediately. "I see multiple things wrong with how you're going about this," he added. He approached the main computer. "May I?" he asked the person behind it.

"Yes, sir," they agreed. Donnie sat at the computer.

"First off, we fought the Foot the other night- we didn't want to worry you guys, so, sorry we didn't tell you," Donnie said to Dill and Delilah. "But anyway, they got onto a boat out of Red Hook Terminal in Brooklyn. These coordinates are telling you their headquarters are in Staten Island, but they're wrong..."

"What do you mean, Donnie?" Vincent asked him, looking over his shoulder.

"I was able to track the boat and it led to an abandoned island, just off the coast of the Bronx... North Brother Island."

"How could they be there? It was abandoned in the '60s?" Vincent asked.

"That's probably why they chose to go there. An island abandoned for decades? No one will think to look there," Dill stated.

"We should send a team, then?" Vincent asked.

"We'll go," Delilah said, acknowledging the others. "We just need cover to get there, probably closer, like the Bronx."

"Baretto point! It's right across the water in the Bronx," Dill suggested.

"Perfect," Vincent stated. "We'll send you in a van."


"Remember, we want Stockman alive," Vincent stated as their boat approached the island.

"We just need you guys to be prepared for him," Raph stated.

"We have back-up standing by," Vincent confirmed.

The boat approached the dock. The turtles and Delilah all got off of the boat and looked at the island, all analyzing the situation.

"They know we're here," Delilah stated. The turtles looked at her.

"No shit," Raph scoffed. "We rode a boat over here, they probably saw us."

"They have scouts. At least three."

"Where?" Mikey asked, looking around.

"Let's see..." she whispered.

"One's there-" Delilah pointed to the right of the dock on the shore Mikey went to get them. "There-" she pointed to the left of the dock- also on the shore. Donnie went to get that one. "And..." She took the hilt of one of Leo's katana and threw it just underneath the boat. A Foot soldier floated to the surface. "There." She retrieved the sword from the water. Raph laughed from behind her.

"You are insane."

"How so, Raphie?" Raph inhaled sharply and closed his eyes, but smiled. They started walking down the dock.

"I have no idea how Donnie didn't see them."

"Eh, I guess I'm just sensitive to presences," she shrugged.

Donnie and Mikey each brought a soldier to the shore, knocked out cold. Mikey looked at Delilah, smiling widely. Donnie looked impressed. She looked at Raph with a smirk before racing off the dock to the shore.

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