Part 8

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I lay wide awake intently listening to their conversation upstairs. It was quite hard to hear but I caught small sentences, mainly the ones that were well above normal volume. However I could tell their conversation was heating up and more footsteps began to pace, 'How does he know?' Dylan said loud enough for me to hear followed by muffled voices until one stood out in particular 'we need to act now' that definitely belonged to Noah, I could only imagine him trying to calm the situation and Reid continue to fume; it is his specialty.

'AT SCHOOL?' echoed through the house causing me to physically jolt, obviously after that outburst they started to retreat to silence maybe to not wake me but... too late. Mutters are all I could hear now and ongoing pacing. What's at school, I wonder, it seems pretty tense up there. Why can't I go up there anyway? What could it possibly be? They can't just shut me out like that, it's not fair especially after all these years. 

Suddenly I heard footsteps trudging down the stairs, I quickly turned over into my pillow pretending to be asleep because god knows what would happen if they caught me eavesdropping again. 

The footsteps got closer and closer, heavier and heavier until they stopped right out front of my door. My heart began to race as I lay their still as ever, slowly my door opened allowing the light to evade my room, pretending as best as possible to be asleep, the footsteps came closer towards the head of my bed, my heart rate increasing every step as if they knew I was awake. 

'All will be okay' the voice whispered and immediately I knew who it belonged to, Reid. 

How was he so cold and rude in the day but every so often he'd become slightly less of a pain in the ass? Soon after, the second pair of footsteps followed, 'Reid, let her sleep for god sake' it was Kai. Some eye exchange must've happened because shortly after he left my room and shut the door, leaving me contemplating on those very words, 'All will be okay'... what?


I woke up to the sound of my brothers repeat knocks on my door just to get me up, so annoying but it worked. I picked out my outfit and had some breakfast, for a second I almost thought it was going to be a normal school day, but then I remembered. I remembered the reason for the arguing, the conversation upstairs and most of all I thought about how awful this Jeremy person's day will become when he meets my brothers.

As I waited in the backseat of the car for 5 minutes they finally came out and it looks like we will be all travelling in one car today. Reid was driver, so reckless driving coming ahead... yay, at least we'd be on time. 

Dylan took shotgun leaving Kai to join me in the back, he didn't seem to mind as he sent me a cheery smile. As always we were travelling twice as fast but Reid didn't seem to mind, he even waved to the cop standing on the corner of a street which was strange seeming he was speeding. The rest of the drive was pretty silent. 

'What's gonna happen today?' I asked while still in the car and Dylan and Reid had a smoke, they all tensed up still looking out the front window 'nothing you need to worry about' Dylan replied still smoking, 'no it is something I need to worry about, you guys were pretty angry and I want to know' I shot back even though I knew they'd say I'm 'disrespectful' or whatnot.

Dylan slowly turned around to face me with his glare as if threatening for me to speak again. 'Watch your tone, I decide what you need to know so go to class' Reid said sending me a piercing stare in the mirror.  

'Ugh, you're so irritating to deal with' I huffed getting out of the car and storming off to my brother's dismay.


I made my way to my lockers in time to catch Brad and Camilla on their way to class, 'hey guys one sec, I'll come with' I said putting my bag away ready to leave, 'girl you have some explaining' Camilla gushed trying to hurry me up. Brad looked a little uncomfortable, I mean fair enough, my brothers did scare him half to death. 

'Hey Brad, everything is okay, I'm so sorry about my brothers, they can be umm impulsive and unpredictable' I said trying to calm him. He slowly looked up and smiled 'it's okay, they were just really confronting and Reid is just freaking scary' he chuckled. 'But yes you do have a lot to say, especially considering you didn't answer your messages the whole night' he added crossing his arms with a playful smirk. 

I giggled and told them about the whole argument about the random guy who gave me a bruise yesterday afternoon and I didn't have time to text.

Their faces morphed to annoyance when I told them about the random guy Jeremy and showed them my wrist, even Camilla let out a gasp. We finally arrived in class and they were still as eager as ever to hear about my brothers, so I told them how my mother died and that I found out I had brothers that were going to take me in, their reactions were priceless like they were in utter shock and completely indulged in my life story. I wasn't prepared to go in deep detail so I just summarised.

'Omg that's so crazy, literally' Camilla enthused. 'Now I get it, I mean if I just found out that someone I loved a lot was coming back, I'd wanna look after them as much as possible' Brad added. 

Camilla blushed and now that I think about it, they'd be a cute couple.


The bell rang and we started heading back to our lockers to meet Zara and Brad. We put our books away and headed to the canteen area, Zara was very excited to see me considering I'd been m.i.a last night. We were walking past the quad and I saw a huge gathering of people like yesterday, suddenly I remembered who that poor guy today being beaten by Reid, is Jeremy.

I rushed over pushing past the crowds to the front, I heard the rest of my friends quickly follow and stand beside me looking at the fight taking place between not only Reid today but Dylan too, my heart sunk as I saw the bruises and blooded streaming down from their opponent's face and his weak stance in hope to protect himself, in one quick swoop Dylan kicked him right in the ribs leaving him to fall to the ground. 

Reid stormed over picking him up by his collar, I just saw his constant yell for help and I tried to locate Kai in the crowds to help stop it but he's nowhere to be seen. Reid and Dylan didn't look like they were gonna stop and evil smirks were stretched across their faces, glaring at their target. I couldn't stand there helpless any longer, I know he hurt me and it was uncalled for but he didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve the wrath of my brothers.

I prepared to go and stop the fight and beg my brothers to leave him alone but before I do, I feel a familiar grip on my hand. 

'Brad, I need to' I begged as I tried to shake him off. 'No, they are violent, it will not end well' he said still keeping a grip on my arm. I pleaded in his eyes but he remained stubborn. I couldn't stand here watching, it hurt. 

Reid was about to punch him once more and Dylan watched on with a chuckle like usual. 'STOP PLEASE, LET HIM BE' I yelled at the verge of crying. Both Reid and Dylan cocked their heads to my voice and their looks turned to anger, 'What did you say' Reid growled letting him go falling to the ground and walked towards me towering over my small frame.

'I said, let him be, please' my voice betraying me and coming out softer than I'd hoped. Instead, he grabbed my hand from Brad's grip and dragged me over to Jeremy who was still holding himself together bleeding on the ground. Dylan came up to the scene too, I had no idea what he was doing but now I was standing centre of this whole situation and most importantly in front of Jeremy. His eyes were full of regret and pain, it was hard to look at someone so vulnerable today but rude and a bully yesterday.

'What are you doing Reid, please' I begged softly so only Reid could hear. He just chuckled and stood so Jeremy could see. 'Pull out your arm, now' he demanded, I looked at him but his eyes were just cold and filling with anger, I slowly pulled out my arm and he quickly pulled up my sleeve to reveal the bruise, as he held my arm he grabbed Jeremy's head to keep it in place to look at my bruise, I was shaking at the intimidation and silently sobbed. 

Reid slowly bent down to Jeremy's height and whispered in his ear 'Today, is for her bruise, next time you won't end up so nicely' gritting his teeth. Dylan took one last swing at him and walked out through the crowd, Reid soon followed dragging me along with him through the crowds. 

'What the fuck was that Sierra huh?' 

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