Part 24

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My stomach hit the floor. 

Our gazes locked onto each other. His deep blue eyes dissolving my lighter ones. Boring into me as he studies my reaction. 

Mum never said that Noah knew, or any of them for that fact. I grew up believing that he thought they just left and went separate ways.

My mouth gaped open, still in shock, I didn't even spare a glance at Liam. I already know what expression he held. 

'Sierra, when both parents leave, along with your little sister and you're left with 4 younger brothers, you don't seriously expect that I just accepted it and moved on, did you?' he said with his voice flat and void of emotion. 

He's right. How could I have thought that he was oblivious to all that happened, well at least on Father's side because even though he claims to know it all, I am the only one that Mother told her story to. 

I gulp, preparing myself to reply. 'How long?' My face fell to an almost sympathetic look but his flat and frozen. 

'I've known since I was 19.' A slight pause before he continued '6 years Sierra. I've known why he left but ever since you left, I haven't been able to find you, until now. And clearly you came with an agenda' he softened his look, same with his voice, both full of...sadness?

I placed my warm hand on his, which still rested on my shoulder. 'Noah, nobody could find us, don't beat yourself up about it, I'm here now.' I said quietly, sending a smile. 

He immediately tensed and scoffed, 'nobody huh? Liam damn could' 

He let go of my shoulder and turned sternly toward Liam, gritting his teeth. 

'NOAH' I shouted, making both of them snap their gaze to me. 

Annoyed from his lack of better judgement, I bury my face amongst my hands, accidentally smearing my mascara a tad. 

I sighed annoyed, 'You have no idea. NONE. Okay? Stop pretending you do because you don't! I grew up without you guys, Mum kept it that way for your safety and mine! She told me stories about you all the time once I found out. She never stopped loving you.' I took a deep breath. 

'Father is the one to blame for everything, he ruined this family, he deserves to feel that pain! So stop fucking hating Liam for anything because he looked after me when you guys couldn't! He is family! He did that for you, and for me. I know it may not seem like that but I don't know how I would be right now if it wasn't for him.' Both of them stood quietly listening to my monologue while I looked like a mess blurting out words left and right. 

'Yes, we shouldn't have lied but I had my priorities at order and Father was one, Noah I ju-' I held back my tears. The atmosphere felt so tense and here I was spilling out my emotions and backstory. However, he slowly raised his hand for me to stop and his head fell, turning away from me. 

Completely mind blanked from it all, I don't even remember half of what I just poured out but I think that broke a few "rules"...

'Noah, I tried to do what was best for her' Liam interjected, giving me a nod to reassure me. Because as always, Liam knows these things, he knows when I'm past my breaking point, he knows when I regret something or when I overthink. Always there, reassuring me. 

I noticed Noah's clenched fist becoming tighter and tighter, blood seeping through. 

'Don't speak to me about Mothers love, Sierra, we have very different experiences from her .' he seethed, seemingly irritated. 'Liam may be your family but he is not mine.' I've never heard him speak with such coldness and disgust.

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