The Chase

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Last Time On Transformers: War On Academy City.......

"This is a secured channel to any Autobots somewhere in space that can hear this. I repeat this a secured channel to any Autobots somewhere in space that can hear this. I am trying to contact the leader of the Autobots. Please come in." Said Alex as he was speaking to a microphone to send this signal to a certain Autobot.

Silence was all that heard as Bee and Alex were waiting for a response but all they got was static. "AHH! This is our 100 attempt Bee. So far nothing is working." Said Alex. Bee made a sad beep.

"Don't feel sad Bee. We just about tried everything so far. Increase in signal strength, better processing devices, everything. The only we can do right now, is just pray that some day that your leader will hear our signal." Said Alex as he was hoping to give Bee some hope. As the universe heard them, luck was on their side today.

"This..... *static* is.... *Static* I am.....*Static*" There was a voice as it a clear that their was a response. The signal was too weak to hear clearly.

"Did you hear that Bee. Someone heard us!" Said Alex. Bee was making happy beeping sound as he begin to dance a little.

"Hold on. I am adjusting and boosting your signal so we can hear you." Said Alex as he made some tweaks to boost the signal of who is responding. "Can you hear me now?"

"Yes. I can hear you clearly. I have heard you signal. I am the leader of the Autobots. My name Optimus Prime." Said the voice as it sounds wise.

"I am glad that I was able to reach you sir. I don't have much time to explain but we need you on Planet Earth sir. We may have a clue to where one of other Allspark Fragments but the Decepticons have started to make their move sir. How long until you get here?" asked Alex.

"Me and my friends will arrive to your planet in about 1 to 3 Earth Days. We need coordinates for a safe place to land without disturbing other humans." Said Optimus.

"Roger. I am sending the coordinates now." Alex begin to work his techno magic as he was sending coordinates to the leader and his buddies. "I hope you get here in one piece sir."

"Understood. Over and out." The signal then was cut off. Alex then lean back into his chair as tired now. Bee begin to making beeping sounds that if Alex is okay.

"Don't worry Bee. I am just tired. Days on trying to get this machine working without any sleep has finally caught up to me. *Yawn*" Said Alex. "I am going to bed now. Good night Bee." Said Alex as he was heading to bed. Bee transforms back into his car form and power down, a simple way of their version of sleeping.

The girls are now adjusting to have a Autobot bodyguard. Starscream plans to get the human girls. Alex was able to get in contact with the leader of the Autobots.


With Mikoto............

It has a new day in Academy City. On the surface, everything is a normal daily life. Where their is super powerful madman wanting to create a Level 6 or crazy people trying to create chaos in the streets. But what the people have yet to learn of the exist of alien robots disguise as vehicles.

Kuroko was used her Esper ability to teleport across short distance to get her job, Judgment. One of the law forces of Academy City that is a disciplinary force that handles to maintain the peace of Academy City. Their is another law officer called Anti-Skill.

"Hey Arcee. Where are?" Whispered Mikoto as she was looking for her quietly without anyone noticing.

"Over here." Said Arcee as she pulled out from a alleyway and pulled up next to Mikoto. Mikoto put on a blue motorcycle helmet before hopping onto Arcee. Arcee then begin to drive in the streets in Academy City like a normal person with Mikoto holding onto the handles, making it look like she is driving it.

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