Lockdown Ship Part 2

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City......

"All these species mixing with species! It upsets the comic balance." Lockdown knelled down to Optimus head as he grabbed it. "The creators, they don't like it. They built you to do what you were told." Lockdown then slam Optimus head to the side of the cell as he let go of him and his cell prison door closed.

"Optimus is no one puppet Lockdown!" Said Mikoto.

This caused Lockdown to stop walking out of this room. He turned his head towards to Mikoto Glass container.

"He is own person! He has his own free will! He is trying to save his home planet from the Decepticons and your Creators are butting in a business they shouldn't have interfered!" Said Mikoto.

"Human... I could care less about this war. It is nothing but a child argument in my eyes." Said Lockdown as he finally left the room.

"He can't really have collect all the Knights including the ones that Dante helped rebel against one of your creators right Prime?" asked Mikoto.

"No. He is talking about the Knights that were once on this ship." Said Optimus.

"I just hope the others find us soon." Said Mikoto as she is trying to hold on to hope that they will get her and Optimus out of these prison ship.


With Alex.........

All the Autobots got to Chicago and notice that the ship is descended close to the ground. Low enough to get to a high road part and hop on.

The Autobots drive or flied by the panicking humans. They all transformed back into their robot forms and the humans got out of Bee as he transformed back into his robot form. They are currently on top of a public parking garage.

"We need to get on that ship like right now!" Said Alex. He waited until the alien ship got descended and got close to where they are. Once it was close enough, he needed a plan to land safely.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and the next hing he knew he was on top of Lockdown Ship. Then Saten and Uiharu appeared out of air and landed right next to him. Kuroko then teleported herself right in front of Alex.

"Kuroko." Said Alex.

"I guess you stubbornness has rubbed off on me." Said Kuroko as she gave Alex a friendly smile. Alex smiled back.

"This is a bad idea. But I am all about bad ideas!" Said Hound as he was the first Autobot to jump to the ship.

"Lets go!" Said Sideswipe. Bee nodded as he and Cliff and Sideswipe jumped to the ship.

"There is no way I am going to let Lockdown take another innocent soul again." Said Breakaway. He won't allow this villain to take another human life or take the human to someone in the galaxy.

"This Lockdown will one day face justice for his crimes." Said Dante as he and Breakaway jumped next

"Time to rescue our friends." Said Arcee as she jumped next.

"Hang on old friend. " Said Ironhide. Soon every Autobot jumped and landed on the top of the alien ship. The only one left is Crosshairs.

"Lets rock!" Said Crosshairs as he was the last Autobot to jump last. From there, they begin to find a way in so they find their leader and Mikoto and get out of the nightmare ship.

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