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Last Time On Transformers: War On Academy City.......

"Hey. Whats the big idea!?" Bumblebee used his radio to communicate by using other peoples words to speak to Alex.

"Sorry Bee. I thought I saw something." Said Alex as he gets out of the car. He walks down some stairs to walk right up to a flower garden. On top of the flower garden was a small blond girl and she had a lollipop in her mouth. Febrie.

Alex gently picked up the little girl and carried her to a bench

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Alex gently picked up the little girl and carried her to a bench. Mikoto and the others came towards him. He show them and told them that this girl was found sleeping on the flower garden. Suddenly the little girl woke up as she opened up her purple eyes.

Everyone tried to talk to the girl and ask her questions like why was she sleeping on the flower garden and is she alone. Sadly, the girl just keeps staring at them

Saten was able to get a reaction out of her by getting to her eye level and she introduced herself to the girl. The girl pulled out the lollipop she had in her mouth.

"I'm Febrie." Said Febrie. Everyone gushed of how adorable she is.

"That's a very pretty name." Said Saten.

Alex got down to Febrie eye level. "So can you tell us anything? Anything will be okay. Don't need to push yourself." Said Alex.

"Mikoto Misaka." Said Febrie. This caused Mikoto gasp as Febrie said her name. "What?" asked Mikoto.

A strange organization called the Decepticons. Alex has meet one of the Misaka Sisters. A strange girl was found in the park. The girl said her name was Febrie. The only she knows was Mikoto name. Who is this girl and how does she know Mikoto so well?


With the humans..........

Both the girls and Alex were confused on how this little girl know Mikoto. The girls asked if she was relative or a half sister that they didn't told about. Mikoto got enough half sisters, like about 9969 or rounded nearly to ten thousand of them already, so this is a big mystery of how this girl knows about Mikoto even thought Mikoto herself never meet the girl before until today.

"Wait no no no! Don't tell me she is your daughter! No you would never have done that! Surely not without telling......" Kuroko was interrupted by a karate chop to her head. Kuroko was holding her head as she felt a great pain that is now on her head.

Mikoto introduced herself to Febrie but the little girl went and hide behind Saten leg. This kinda make Mikoto felt upset that this girl was scared of her. 

"They say that children have a six sense of things like this. Which people are safe and which ones are more dangerous." Said Uiharu. This causes Mikoto to be in more shock and more sad.

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