Egypt Part 2

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City........

"Are you nuts Ironhide!? Look at thing! It is going to take more than your arm cannons to take care of this Con." Said Mikoto.

"Enough! Here it comes!" Said Optimus. He was right as the giant Con was about to attack.

"Devastator! Destroy the Autobots!" Order Megatron.

Devastator raised his large right arm and swing it across the ground, causing everyone to be knock back on their backs on the ground.

"Man that hurt." Said Ironhide.

"Agreed. That Con is dangerous." Said Sideswipe.

"I sure hope Alex is okay." Said Mikoto as she was slowly getting back up.

"I am sure he is. But right now, we need to focus on surviving." Said Arcee as she fired her weapons at the giant Con but it only tickled it. Devastator opened his mouth very wide. He begin to suck up everything into his mouth. The Autobots have to transformed into their Vehicle forms to get away from this attack. Mikoto quickly hopped onto Arcee Vehicle mode as they try to run away from this monster.

Devastator stopped his attack to go after the Autobots as fast as he could. Mikoto only turned back to see the area where they left Alex.

'Please be safe.' Thought Mikoto.


Back with Alex........

"I have been walking in this weird place but the more I explore, the deeper I go." Said Alex as he was walking down a very long flight of steps.

When he reached the bottom, he was fascinated. Their were many unique drawings of things he never saw before. He saw a drawing on the metal wall of a giant metal planet and saw giant metal beings.

"These must be the Transformers. But how could a human back then know about all this? Unless... It wasn't a human that did all this. It was someone else." Said Alex.

"You are correct human." Said a new calm voice.

Alex turned around to see the wall torches lighting themselves up. Their was a large metal being that has a large gown bird wings. He has three metal claw toes. He has five sharp fingers. He has a mask that has a bird beak on the top. He has a yellow and brown metal armor plating on his shoulders, knees and wrists. He is hold in his left hand a black metal sword. ( A OC Transformer)

"Who are you?" asked Alex as he slowly approach the new being infront of him.

"My name is Dante. And we have much to discuss human." Said Dante.

Megatron as introduced himself to the Autobots. Alex as meet a strange new Transformer. Is Dante a friend or foe? Stay tuned.


With Alex........

"Wait wait. Are you a Transformer?" asked Alex as he approach the new Transformer infront of him.

"The proper name is Cybertronians." Said Dante

"Oh right sorry. Well, my name is Alex. Why are you here? How long have you been on our planet?" asked Alex.

"A very long time. Longer than your kind life span." Said Dante as he beginning to walk towards a wall. He raised his sword as it begin to be surrounded in flames.

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