The Great China Battle Part 5

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City.............

The ship fell down on a building rooftop. Pieces of it begin to destroy everything in that block that building was in. Like destroying cars, pieces of the road or destroying a train.

Alex had to drive into a old wood building. He let out a sigh relief breath. He then noticed metal objects like kitchen knifes and cooking tools begin to float in the air. "Oh no...." Said Alex. The car begins to float up slowly.

"The magnet! Everyone get out!" Said Mikoto. Kuroko teleported out of the car and Mikoto and Saten got out.

Just as Uiharu begins to get out and brings the Seed with her, she begins to float. "Um.... Misaka? I am going up! Help!" Said Uiharu.

Mikoto grabbed Uiharu legs trying to pull her down but she begins to float up as well. Kuroko and Saten grabbed Mikoto legs to help her pull Uiharu back down.

"I can't get the seat belt off. I am stuck." Said Alex as he was trapped in the car as it begins to broke through the wood building roof.

"Pull down harder!" Said Mikoto.

"We are trying!" Said Kuroko and Saten.

"Misaka! This thing is crushing me!" Said Uiharu as she was up against the roof support beams and the Seed was crushing her from the magnetic pull.

Alex was still trying to get his seat belt off. Acting quick he pulled out his Sword-Gun and used its sword mode blade to cut off his seat belt. He then jump on top of the building roof and landed on it perfectly.

Just in time, as Lockdown ship temporally turned off the magnet. The girls fell back down to the ground.

"Car!" Said Mikoto as they jumped out of the way as the car crashed into the ground and exploded.

"Alex! Are you okay?" asked the girls.

"Don't worry." Said Alex as he climbs down to the ground. "I am okay. We need to find the others. Like now." Said Alex.

"Right behind you." Said the girls. Alex begins to run first and the girls begin to follow behind him and carrying the Seed as they travel.

The attempt the get the Seed out of the city was delayed. Lockdown is back and has found the location of the Autobots and his escaped bounties. The humans have narrowly escaped a crushing experiences from Lockdown ship magnet. Can the Autobots and the humans get the Seed out of the city and defeat Lockdown?


With Alex.......

After walking in the streets without the vehicle they were using anymore, they eventually reached the part of the city with tall glass buildings.

"Bee?" asked Alex as he was calling out for his friend.

"Bumblebee?" Mikoto joined in for calling out the scout Autobot.

"Hey you guys!" Bee said when using one of his radio channels. The humans aw him ridding on Swoop as the Dinobot flied closer to them. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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