Planing Our Next Move

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City.........

"This has got to be the Supermax. Watch the corners." Said Hound.

"This is got to be where they are." Said Kuroko as she was on Arcee shoulders.

"No joke." Said Arcee.

"But still. There are a lot of cages." Said Drift and Dante.

"Big ones too." Said Ratchet as they all walked onto the huge platform AKA the trophy room.

"I don't want to know what is in the big cage." Said Crosshairs as he pointed to the biggest cage in the room.

"But were could they be? Which cage could have Mikoto and Optimus?" Asked Alex.

"You got me Alex." Said Hound as he looked in a small cell.

"Hound!" Said Optimus

"Alex!" Said Mikoto.

"They are alive!" They were happy to hear this sound of their friends.

"Were are you boss? Sound off!" Said Hound.

"We are in here quick!" Said Optimus. The group finally sees the cell they are in.

"Hang on! We will get you out of there!" Said Crosshairs.

"Listen! Optimus has an idea of how to escape Lockdown." Said Mikoto from her glass container.

"The arms of this Knight Ship detach! We can break free! It's a separate ship! Hurry!" said Optimus as Drift slices off the cage cell door.

Hound crouch down to Optimus to his eye level. "Where's the cockpit? Right or left?" asked Hound and Alex

Optimus Prime nodded his head to his right. "Right!" Said Optimus.

"Don't worry we are on it!" Said Alex as he went with Hound.

"Hurry!" Said Mikoto as Arcee grabbed her glass container and tried get her out of there. Crosshairs, Drift and Dante begin to free Optimus from the metal arm that has his foot.

"We have no time!" Said Optimus.

"Sensei!" Said Drift.

"Don't worry Prime. We ill get you out!" Said Dante.

"You okay Mikoto?"asked Arcee as she continues to work on getting Mikoto free.

"Just peachy." Said Mikoto.

Hound and Alex then reached the pilot room for the part of the ship they are in. Hound then sit in the seat and Alex was now standing on the arms of the seat as he was working on a alien control panel to begin separation.


A Few minutes later..........

Lockdown is preparing to launch again with his crew members fixing the anchors and has the Dark Matter Drives online again.

"Almost ready to separate boss." Said Hound as he almost got the shuttle ready to separate from the main ship.

"Hurry!" Said Mikoto as she was sitting on Optimus shoulder as she and Prime came into the pilot seat area.

"He's launching!" Said Prime.

"Don't worry. We just got about it ready." Said Alex as he pressed in some buttons on a terminal.

Transformers: War On Academy CityWhere stories live. Discover now