Chapter VIII ✠ The Last Call

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Una woke up suddenly, her heart feeling like it was about to come out of her chest. Her body felt like it was vibrating from the sudden rush of adrenaline. In her head, the sound of a scream resonated through her head. It took her a few seconds to process what was going through her mind. Whose cry was it in her head? Was it her own, frightened from the sudden realization that she had lost Darren?

She had gone through this many times for the past few days, remembering again each time she wakes up of the loss she has experienced. Her grief was more painful than having any sword cut into her flesh. She had spent most of her life with Darren, and within a few moments, their storybook closed once and for all. Worst of all, Una didn't get to see him go. She had hoped they would die together on the battlefield. This was a travesty to Una. To be such a strong warrior, Darren had been killed like a peddler as such an unworthy death. It wasn't a valiant end as it was supposed to be.

"Ahh!" Una heard a woman scream again.

It wasn't her after all. Una rose and threw her covers off of her body. She was still nude from her bath last night, so she quickly put on a large cloak to conceal her modesty. She opened her door and found that many people were charging toward one door. It was Marged's chamber door.

"What is the matter?" Una asked one of her fellow-servants running by with an armful of clothes and squares of linen.

"Me lady, it's Marged!" She bowed slightly and ran into the crowd outside the door.

She opened the door and slammed it shut in front of the people. They would not go inside where Marged was.

"Let me in!" Una declared as she weaved into the crowd and opened the door.

Una saw Marged on her bed, hunched over on all fours naked. Her face was redder than her hair, and tears streamed down her face.

"Get out, get out, get out ye devils!" She hissed.

"Marged..." Una said, closing the door.

Marged turned her head over and began to weep louder when her reddened slate-colored eyes met Una.

"Oh, me lady!" She cried.

"Look what the Gods have done to me!" She hunched up on her knees.

There was blood all over her thighs. Underneath her, Una could see bloodied cloth and linens. It was a gruesome sight. She suddenly doubled over and held her stomach.

"Aelwyd!" She barely uttered at she doubled over on all fours and gagged.

Aelwyd sprang forward with a bucket in her hands, and Marged was barely able to get her head in before she vomited.

"What's happening to her!?" Una asked, staring at Aelwyd.

"Her baby is with the Lord our God, in heaven." Aelwyd looked down and began to cry too.

Una ran to both of them.

"How can I help?" Una insisted.

"There's nothing much you can do, my queen. You must let this take its course."

She bowed her head while she still held the bucket up for Marged. You could hear Marged's crying between her spells of purging.

"Take its course?" Una asked as she reached out and rubbed the back of Marged.

"She's been bleeding since she lost her husband," Aelwyd said, averting Una's gaze.

"Four days? God's help us." Una sulked as Marged pulled her head away from the bucket.

Una knew what was happening. Marged was miscarrying.

"Oh, Marged!" Una said as she wrapped her arms around her and pulled her head to her neck.

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