Awkward Introductions

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Flashback: I finally look up to see the stranger, and my eyes meet an ocean of blue.

I'm speechless. Everyone tells me I have baby blue eyes, but I have never seen someone with such mesmerizing blue eyes.

I was so awestruck, that I didn't realize I was staring until the guy spoke.

"Your eyes are beautiful. Well, I mean, you are beautiful too, it's just your eyes are amazing. But I don't want to sound creepy, I just happened to-"

"It's okay" I giggled and felt the heat rising to my face. "Um. I think your eyes are amazing too."

"Oh. Uh. Thanks." He said shyly while rubbing the back of his neck with one of his hands. At the same time, we both realized I was still holding onto his other hand, which had helped me up.

I quickly pulled it away and shoved it in my pocket as my face flushes bright red again. I started playing with my fingers and looked back at him as he was messing with his rings.

"Good going Daniel." A rosy cheeked boy said.

The blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes and sighed.

"What happened?" A really blond boy asked.

"Are you guys okay?" A really tall guy with brown hair asked at the same time.

"Dang Daniel, you messed up your chance with a really pretty girl." A guy with curly hair stated.

"Yeesh guys, anything else you want to say?" He responded sarcastically.

"Uh, why is she-"

"I was KIDDING Jack! Gosh." He turned to look back at me. "I'm really sorry about this whole thing. I'm Daniel by the way."

I smiled, "It's okay. I'm Isabel." I said, not wanting to say anything else for fear of screwing things up. Like I said before, I am not very social, especially with strangers. And this. This was SO out of my comfort zone. And to make things worse he was really, really cute.

He chuckled awkwardly.

"Yeah, there are definitely better ways to meet. Are you late to some place? Is that why you were running?"

Isabella suddenly comes running up to me. Thank god. She always saves me.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?"

"Nothing. Really. Just um, me not looking where I was going." I responded shyly.

She looked at Daniel, and then back at me, and smirked. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting something? I'll be going now.

"No! Um. I mean. You wouldn't happen to have an extra shirt, would you?"

She laughs at me.

"Yeah. And I'll give it to you if you explain I DETAIL how this," She says gesturing to my now coffee stained clothes, "happened" she said while going behind the counter to grab the shirt.

I groaned inwardly. Knowing her she would never give me the shirt if I didn't tell her the full story.

"Um... So I was going to the bus station, when I-"

"I can't hear you Issa!" She says giggling.

She is SO pushing my buttons. And I know she is doing this on purpose to make me go out of my comfort zone.

I narrow my eyes at her. "I WAS GOING TO THE BUS STATION."

She rolls her eyes at me while laughing.

"And I realized I was missing my phone. So I ran here, and wasn't really paying attention, so I um... ran into Daniel here on accident." I say, trying not to have to talk so much.

"I still feel really bad. I'm sorry." Daniel says as his face softens.

"It's really okay, if anyone is apologizing it should be me." I say quietly.

"It's not your fault!"

"Okay, okay. It's none of your guys' fault. Can you guys just go out already?" The curly haired boy says in an unamused tone.

Daniel rolls his eyes.

"Jack, everybody is entitled to act like a jackass every now and then, but you really abuse that privilege."

I stifle a laugh and a collection of "ohhhh"s and "burn"s are shared among the boys and Isabella.

I see Jack's face getting red.

"I think that's the best burn I've heard all week." Isabella says as she tosses me a dark blue shirt with a picture of stitch on it.

"How did you know I love stitch?" I whisper to her as I hold the shirt up.

"Um... I didn't" she laughed. "It's just the shirt I happened to have." She says, trailing off. I notice her eyes are focused on something, or someone. The guy with the blush always on his cheeks.

"Uh, I heard you say you were on your way to catch a bus? Did you miss it now? If so, we can take you. If you want, we have to head out anyway." Daniel says, and Isabella immediately looks away and at her feet.

"Um. I did miss my bus by now, but I don't th-"

"She would love to!" Isabella interrupts me, putting a shoulder around me.

"Right Issa?" She says with a grin.

I give her a glare, and she continues to smile at me.

"Cool! You can carpool with us!" The really blond kid says.

"Uh. I mean, I hate to intrude and everything. So it's really fine if you guys don't want to take me..." I trailed off.

"No!" Daniel accidentally yelled.

"I meant... um... we really wouldn't mind. You wouldn't be bothering us if that's what you're worried about." He says, looking down at his feet.

"YOU wouldn't be bothered. I would have to sit in the back with Zach." Whined the curly haired boy. Jack, I think.

"No one asked for your opinion, you abominable goblin." The really tall guy said while rolling his eyes.

"I'm Jonah by the way. And trust me, you really wouldn't be a bother. We'd love to have you join us." He says.

I smile shyly.

"Well, if it won't be a problem, I actually do need a ride to my classes."

"Great! Well, if you uh, wanna change, then we can head out." Daniel says.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be right back." I say, heading towards the bathroom, and glaring at Isabella, who is smiling wider than a whole freaking watermelon.

As I go into the small one stall bathroom and start changing my shirt, my mind is spinning with all the possible things that could go wrong.

What if I say something wrong? Why am I so freaking clumsy? I'm going to be late for class. I don't know what I'm doing. Are these guys safe? Daniel is really cute and I'm probably gonna screw things up. I can't go! But if I don't go, who will take me? Fine I'm going. What is wrong with my hair? I'm such a failure. What if they ask me questions? Am I supposed to respond? Isabella won't be there. What am I going to do?!

A knocking on the bathroom door interrupts my negative thoughts.

"Hurry up slowpoke!" Isabella's voice comes through the door.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I look at my reflection in the scratched up mirror, and try to fix my hair.

Well, here goes nothing.


Sorry it took me so flipping long to update this story. I will try harder to update faster. School has been consuming my whole life.

Anyway, love you all! Have an amazing day!

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