Bad news

275 13 26

Isabel's POV:

My head hurts. Like a lot. Well, who am I kidding. Everything hurts right now.

All the people running around me are making it worse. I still haven't opened my eyes. I'm kind of scared.

But Kelly's words come to mind. Don't make limitations.

So I slowly try opening my eyes. It takes me a second but they open. The level of brightness in the room is blinding. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see a bunch of nurses and doctors in the room. I look down at the cuts on my hands and involuntarily shudder. My eyes then travel to the IV in the arm. Oh God.

I hate needles. With a passion. As if on cue I hear my heart rate monitor speed up.

"Her heart rate is going up!" A doctor yells. No shit sherlock.

"Sweetie I need you to take a deep breath for me, and think about happy things." Think about happy things my ass.

Sorry. I'm being rude. But come on! I'm literally in a hospital room with nobody I know, and there is a needle sticking in my arm.

But because I don't want to die, I do as the doctor says. Think of happy things. The first thing that comes to mind is food. Oh how I would kill for a good taco. I don't know why I want tacos. I just do.

But then my mind drifts off to Daniel. He makes me happy. He was the main thing that helped me through the darkness in the coma. He would just talk to me. Like nothing was wrong in this situation. I wonder how many weird faces he got... but nonetheless he did it. And he did it for me.

Where is he now anyway? Where is anyone? I know for a fact that Jazmyn and him were here not too long ago.

I start to panic again. Darn it. Okay. Focus Isabel. Happy place. Happy place. Happy place. Daniel.

His arms. His words. His warmth. Everything he does makes me love him more and more.

Wait... love?

Yes. Love. But I can't love him. Something bad will happen to him. I just know it.

But I can't shake this feeling of constantly wanting him to hold me. For me to hear his voice.

I honestly think he is the reason I feel complete. He made my fearful and broken heart whole again, and I don't know how I could ever repay him.

Even through all my mistakes and pain, he was there for me. He never left me. He never thought of me as 'baggage', even when I felt like I wasn't enough. And because of that I don't think I could ever leave him. Even if I tried. And right now, all I really want is to see him. See the face behind the sweet voice that comforted me this past month.

"Miss? Right now you are stabilized, is it alright if your friends come in to see you?" A doctor asks, interrupting my thoughts.

I nod. A little too eagerly, making my head start to throb. I groan.

As most of the nurses leave, they are replaced with other people. My friends.

I automatically smile as I see all of them filing in.

"Issa." Jazmyn says, breaking down in front of me. She hugs me at a weird angle because of all the wires, but I don't really care. I'm just glad she is here.

Everyone takes turns hugging me, and I notice Daniel and Sebastian missing. I already know that Sebastian is back in his hometown, because he came to visit me while I was in my coma. And I could hear him. But where is Daniel? Oh and Kelly. I'm sure she is in her own room though.

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