Surprises, surprises, and more surprises

332 19 61

Kelly's POV: (did you see that coming??)

I swear, the next chance I get I'm gonna tear Daniel apart.

It hurts me to hear Isabel crying from across the hall. I hate it. He doesn't even know how much he means to her.

And don't even get me started on Jess.

Hopefully this party I'm surprising her with will lift her spirits.

Yes. I know I already told her we are having a party. But what I didn't tell her, is that I'm actually throwing a sort of big party for her.

It will just be the boys, Gabbie, Lottie, Lav, Isabella, and me. BUT if all works out, I also invited some people from her past. I hope nothing gets screwed up.

~Time skip to the next day brought to you by Corbyn's cookies~

"Move it to the right a little... Right there." I say directing Jonah as he puts up streamers.

I'm now at the boys house setting up for the party. And no. I didn't kill Daniel yet. I haven't had the time. Plus Issa would not be too happy with that.

"Do we have food?" I turn and ask Lottie.

"What does it look like?" She says, stuffing chips in her mouth.

I laugh a little. "Okay, I think it would be best to not eat all the food before she gets here."

"Why not!" Lottie complains. I give her a playful glare and she shrugs and walks away.

"Everything is in place! Thanks for all your help guys." I exclaim as everyone walks into the living room. I spot Jess sitting next to Daniel, and I purposefully glare at her. That should be Issa sitting there. Jess just smiles at me, and goes to touch Daniel's thigh. I clench my jaw. Daniel suddenly looks extremely uncomfortable. He says something to Jess and she just rolls her eyes, making no effort to move her hand. He suddenly gets up and storms out of the room. Jess looks annoyed, and she sits further back on the couch, huffing and crossing her arms. Bitch? Who do you think you are?

"Hey Kelly, do you want to see the cake?" Jonah says, obviously wanting to get out of this situation. I had already seen the cake but I quickly agreed, almost running to the kitchen ahead of Jonah.

Stepping into the teal and purple decorated kitchen, I hopped on the counter and looked at the cake again.

Well, I don't know if you could call it a cake. It was a bunch of smores in the shape of a 19. She had told me about this cake a few months ago, and she had wanted to try it. So I got one for her now. It was neatly decorated with different floral arrangements in frosting and macaroons.

"Thanks for getting me out of that situation." I say smiling as Jonah walks in the kitchen.

"It's cool. I wanted to get out as much as you did." He said, returning the smile.

"Why is she even here?" I ask annoyed.

"I honestly have no idea. Everyone hates her except Daniel. And it looks like he's not too happy with her either right now." Jonah answers half-whispering. I nod, before hearing what sounded like the front door slam.

I look at him confused, and he just shrugs.

"I uh. Wanted to ask you something." He said cautiously, before I get a chance to know who slammed the door.

"Anything." I answered.

"I know this probably isn't the right time to ask, but I couldn't wait... Would you like to get coffee or something with me sometime?" He asks quickly, rubbing the back of his neck.

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