Drunk Mistakes

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"Ah! Finally our group is complete!" Zach shouts as he lets us in the Why Don't We.

"No cookies this time?" Zach says making a pouty face.

"Zach, I can't bring cookies every time I come over! I would be broke, and your stomach would hate me." I say raising an eyebrow. He frowns at me before walking off to the living room. We find everyone else in the living room; Corbyn, Lottie, Jack, Gabbie, Lav, Isabella, Daniel, and Jonah, who seemed to have his eyes glued to Kelly's face.

"Hey guys! This is Kelly." I say cheerfully.

After all the introductions are made, we settle down in a circle on the floor. First seated is Corbyn, Lottie to his right, Gabbie next, then Jack, then Daniel, then me, then Kelly, then Isabella, then Zach, and Jonah sitting in between Zach and Corbyn.

It was already late at night, so after giving Lavender a bazillion kisses, I helped Gabbie put her to sleep. Zach then decided we should play truth or dare. Does truth or dare ever end up being good? No. BUT I didn't think it was gonna be too bad, so I agreed to play after some motivation from the others. After a few rounds of the beginners material, we started getting more into it.

"Zach! Truth or Dare." Gabbie said.

"Dare." He answered nervously.

"I dare you to ask your crush out." He gulped while taking out his phone. I saw Isabella look down in disappointment, she had thought he was going to ask her. Quite frankly so did I. They had been flirting with each other all week. It was annoying at some points to be honest. But I did wish he would have asked her out.

Suddenly, Isabella's phone pinged. She picked it up hesitantly, and looked at it, earning a small gasp from her. Then she looked at Zach and nodded her head, still smiling widely.

"Looks like I got myself a date people." Zach said happily. We all erupted into cheers, while Zach and Isabella looked at each other, smiling like they had both just won the lottery.

"Alright, ummm Jonah. Truth or Dare." Zach asked.

"Uhhh truth."

"Do you like Kelly?"

"Well... uh... just met..." He responds nervously.

"Doesn't answer my question." Zach said cockily.

Jonah sighed. "I mean I think she is pretty and nice, but we just met, so uh. I don't know." He says looking down. I see Kelly blushing furiously next to me.

"Moving on. Lottie, truth or dare?" Jonah asked.


"I dare you to take shots with another person of your choice."

"Whyyyy." She complains, getting up to go get shots from the kitchen.

"I choose Kelly to be victim with me!" She shouted.

Oh great. Kelly is a horrible drunk. You know there are some drunks that laugh a lot, some that just fall asleep, some who it doesn't affect them at all, and some who just loose all common sense. Kelly is a drunk that loses all common sense, laughs a lot, AND forgets almost everything in the morning.

"Why me?" Kelly asks curiously.

"Honestly you were the first person who came to mind." Lottie laughed.

"Alright let's do it!" They count down from three and take the shots together. They both take another one for fun. Oh God. I don't think this is going to turn out very good.

"Anyone else want some?!" Kelly yells. After a few minutes, Gabbie, Daniel and I are the only ones fully sober. Although the others who took shots aren't that drunk.

"Alrighttt. Ummmm Kelly! Truth or Dare?" Lottie says excitedly, carrying out her words.

"Truz" Kelly slurs.

"Since Jonah already answered this question, you should too. Do you like Jonah?"

"Umm. Well ya, I think he's pretty hot." She giggles. "But like he sayz, we jus met." A small blush sets on Jonah's face.

"Your turn to ask a question Kelly." Lottie half yells, obviously sort of drunk.

"Okayyy! Uhhh PUMPKIN!" She says referring to me.

"Pumpkin huh?" Daniel smirks looking at me.

"Don't even." I say glaring at him. He just puts his hands up in defense.

"Truths or Dar?" Kelly asks laughing.

"Uh. Truth?" I say cautiously.

"Hm... Oh! I know. Tell me why you've alwayz blamed yoursself for you dad's death? I never got that ya know? Iz not your fault! So till meee." She giggles, obviously not comprehending what she just asked.

I freeze. I was taken back by her words. Sure she was drunk, but I couldn't believe she had been so careless as to talk about my past. I was stuck. Stuck in the moment here, with nine faces staring at me with concern. Stuck in my painful past. Stuck in that moment that I ran to the accident. Longing for a sign of life. Longing for my dad to say something. Anything. Longing for something, that I knew would never come. I wanted to take his place. To have been able to save him. To have warned him of the idiot driver swerving. So that maybe. Just maybe. He could call me his little girl again. He could give me those huge bear hugs that only he could give. So that he could be there for me when I couldn't go on with life.

I needed him. And he was gone.

All the thoughts swirling around in my head like a hurricane. I'm trying to stop it. So I do the only thing I know how to do. I run. I run away from my friends. I run away from my problems. Running out the door that leads to their backyard, I run as far as I can before I am stopped by a fence that stops right before a drop in the hill. I grip the fence dropping to my knees. My breathing is coming in gasps. My lungs feel like they are being squeezed by ropes. Restraining me from getting in a full breath. Hot and scared tears stream down my face. I want to scream and yell. But I can't breath. I'm knelt over by the fence, one hand gripping the fence with the other holding my heart, trying to stay conscious.

I hear my name, but I can't make out who it is. I am soon being cradled on the ground, with someone stroking my hair, and repeatedly saying "It's okay. You're okay. I'm right here." I didn't care who it was. They were helping me. My breathing slowly went back to normal. Tears are still running down my cheeks and my body is shaking. Then the mystery person starts to sing softly. And I immediately know who it is. It's Daniel.


This part got me in the feels. 😢

Poor Issa.

Thoughts? Anyone?

Side note: Auto correct wanted to change Corbyn to corncob. I died!

Don't forget that I love you all! <3

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