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Chapter 1: Ready? Set... Stay.

"One week? That's all I get?!" Anthony yelled.

"At this point there is nothing we can do. Her condition has started attacking and damaging her brain tissue." The grey-haired doctor retaliated.

One last week. That was all Anothony was going to get. He was only going to get 168 hours with her before she was gone. Before she disappeared from his life forever.

He would never see her contagious smile again. Never see her sparkling green eyes after that. Nor hear her soothing voice ever again.

"We will discharge her until next Sunday, then she needs to return so that we can put her down peacefully." The disheartened doctor continued.

"She's not a dog. You're not going to put her down. You're going to kill her." The young man with dark brown curly hair and hazel eyes shot back. His words dripping with venom.

"Sir, it is her parents wishes. There is nothing we can do about it. It is for the best. She will be in more pain if we don't do it."

"Parents?! She doesn't have parents. Last time I checked her 'parents' kicked her out when she was 16 and left her to fend for herself. I'm not surprised they don't care if she dies now, either." Anthony snarled.

The male doctor's eyes widened, showing he clearly did not know anything about the young women's personal life.

"Tony?" A small and fragile voice called out. A pale, creamy beige skinned girl with bright wavy red hair, stood behind them with the support of a purple cane.

Anthony spun around at the sound of her voice.

"Cas..." Tears welled up in his eyes as he studied the girl in front of him. Her skin paler than normal. Her voice wavered when she said his name. She looked a bit stronger than when she was in her hospital room, but yet she seemed more flushed than before. Must have been from all the medication she was being given. Her light green eyes still showed courage, but now they were mixed with pain.

A pain he hadn't seen before. It wasn't an ordinary pain, more like an eternal hurt. Cassandra knew what had to happen, and so did Anthony.

Anthony almost ran to her, and once he slipped his arms around her frail waist she fell into his arms. Holding him like there was no tomorrow. Because for Cassandra, there really wasn't.

"We get the whole week together." She whispered into his ear as he held her.

"Stuck with you for a whole week?" He asked and scrunched his nose.

"Yep. And you better enjoy it." She pulled away and leaned on her crutch. She smiled even though inside she was dying. Both physically and mentally.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said smiling back, as he brushed a strand of her auburn hair away, and cupped her cheek. His dark brown skin comparing with her pale, white skin.

His parents had always made an issue of it. Always making a point to say that a black man like him shouldn't date a white girl like Cassandra. And after some time the constant nagging finally got to Anthony. When Cas turned 18 and he turned 19, they moved in together, and began relying on each other for almost everything. They were each others' only family.

Even though Anthony had apologized many times before to Cas, he still felt it was so wrong for his parents to have put the couple through that. They almost ruined the poor girl's life, but they most certainly ruined their relationship with their son. Last time they heard from him was when he was 19, as he walked out of their house with two bags as he said "I still love you guys. I always will." But when Anthony said that, he didn't know if the feeling was mutual or not.

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