Mr.Giraffe... again?

298 15 4

Isabel's POV

Laying back on the queen mattress in my sister's guest bedroom, my mind floods with happy memories of Daniel and I, but yet they seem to make me sad. I try pushing them out of my head, but it only made me think about them more.

You know that little voice in my head? The one telling me the whole Daniel situation is not adding up? Yeah, that one. That one has gotten louder. Maybe it's because I'm more desperate. Or maybe because I know deep down who he really is, and that he would never ever do that.

My train of thought is interrupted by my phone ringing. Again. Why am I so popular today? And why does everyone want to facetime?

I look at the caller ID

Gabbie 🦋; AKA mom

I smile and answer the facetime call. Lavender's cute little face shows up on the screen.

"Pumpkin! How are you doing my little munchkin?" I coo at her.

"Hi tia!" She says casually. My jaw practically drops.

"No. You weren't supposed to grow while I was gone! And now you're talking?!" I gape at the little girl on the screen.

"She is growing way too fast for momma." Gabbie says, taking the phone from Lav and showing her face.

"You need to fix this. She is not allowed to grow up yet." I said sternly.

"I wish I could! She's walking now, and she's learning more words. It's crazy!" Gabbie says, looking away from the phone to look at her daughter.

"Well that just gives you more reason to get down here soon so that I can see you." I say sarcastically.

"That's actually why I called. I'm going to Florida in a few days!" She says excitedly.

"No way! Yay! I get to see you guys!" I yell, jumping up and down on my bed, causing some of my pillows to fall off. I'm a little too enthusiastic today.

"I'll be with my parents for the first few days, but then your sister said I can stay at her house for a few days with you!" Gabbie says grinning.

"Yay!" I squeal and stop jumping on my bed. As I lean over to retrieve the fallen pillows, I spot Mr.Giraffe.

Mr.Giraffe used to be just a pillow in the shape of a giraffe to me. But now it carried a slightly different meaning.

And I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. Sure it brought back some painful memories, but just like Daniel, I never truly want it out of my life forever.

I still remember that day when National Geographic came up on the television, and that specific episode just happened to be on giraffes.

Lottie burst out laughing and before I knew it almost everyone's laughter was directed towards Daniel. Daniel didn't seem to enjoy the attention at the time though. In fact he seemed extremely annoyed.

When I started to ask what was so funny, Daniel slapped his hand over my mouth trying to stop me from finishing the question. But Corbyn apparently knew what I was going to ask, so he answered for me.

As soon as I found out that one of Daniel's nicknames was 'giraffe' you better believe I died laughing. I could not control myself. I doubled over laughing, and started crying. And Daniel... well Daniel was still unamused. But once I started laughing, from the corner of my eye I saw him roll his eyes, yet this time he had a smile on his face.

The memory alone made me unconsciously smile. Why can't everything be all sunshine and rainbows? Why do storms have to come along and ruin everything?

But I guess you have to have storms, in order to have a clean slate, and allow other things to grow.

"Issa? Issa are you okay?" Gabbie's worried calls bring me out of the painful yet happy memory.

"Hm? Yeah. I'm fine." I mumble. Picking up the pillows and laying back on my bed.

"You're not fine. What the heck just happened? You were like in a daze or something." She said, concerned.

I took a deep breath. I didn't say anything, but rather picked up the giraffe stuffy and showed it to her through the camera.

"Oh." She said sadly, as I put the giraffe back in my lap, just staring at it.

"You know he's a mess." Gabbie said quietly. My head shot up.

He's a mess? Why the hell is he a mess?

"The boys say he's not eating, and he only comes out of his room a few times a day. The only time he leaves the house is if Jess drags him out to go shop with her or something." Gabbie trails off. I give a sad expression. My heart aches at the thought of Daniel being sad. Did I hurt him? He's supposed to be happier without me.

"Do you know how much I want to slap Jess in the face?" Gabbie says annoyed, and I try my best to contain my laughter.

"What? My patience is running real thin with that girl." Gabbie adds.

"It's just funny because you're supposed to be the nice one." I laugh.

"Exactly! She is the only person who has ever really gotten on my nerves. Her fake ass laugh and the way she bribes Daniel to buy her things." She shakes her head in disgust. My mouth falls open.

"Gabbie! Language!" She just shrugs.

"Does she really do all that?" I breathe out.

"Yeah. She's horrible. And something's not right. There is something Daniel is not telling us, and you and I both know it. You have to come back, Issa. Please!" Gabbie half begs, and I give her an 'I can't' face.

"Oh but you can! You don't want to." She says sassily. I sigh. She's right. I need to go back. I just can't bring myself to do it. Maybe I'm a coward. I don't know. I just wish I could look at Daniel without wanting to hug him and never let him go.

"Jack! Do not give that to Lavender!" Gabbie suddenly yells making me jump slightly.

"Sorry girl. I gotta go deal with these two children." She says rolling her eyes. "I'll call you to make arrangements with you and your sister. Can't wait to see you!"

"Okay" I laugh. "Can't wait to see you either!"

"Bye!" She says before hanging up the phone. I toss my phone to the other side of the bed before laying on my back just staring at the ceiling. A tear escapes from my eye and rolls down the side of my face.

Oh how I wish things were different.


The return of Mr.Giraffe! How many of you remember the other chapter called Mr.Giraffe? It feels like I wrote that one ages ago. 

ANYWAY. Quick thank you to all my readers and people who vote! Defeated just got to 3K reads and 319 votes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Don't mind me while I go and cry because I do not deserve this. Love you all so much! 

Have an amazing day!

P.S. I wrote this like at 5 in the morning today and haven't had time to do a good edit, so ya. Please forgive all the grammar and spelling errors! <3


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