Hey stranger

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2 and a half months later

Isabel's POV

"Baby we're home!" Jazmyn shouts, kicking the door closed behind her, as we walk into her beautiful beach side house with a bunch of grocery bags.

What a way to make me feel more single than I already am.

I have been doing a lot of thinking on this little vacation I've been on in Florida. Some of these thoughts have included thinking about my relationship status. Daniel and I were never officially a couple. He asked me out, but I was never his 'girlfriend' and he was never my 'boyfriend'. And thinking about that hurts. But it led me to the conclusion that I'm officially single. Whether we said it directly or not, he 'broke up' with me by cheating, and I 'broke up' with him by saying goodbye.

"Hey babe! Geez it felt like you were gone for forever." The guy who I have grown fond of practically yells, running up to my sister, giving her a hug. They let go of the hug for a split second so he can give her pregnant stomach a kiss, but then go right back to hugging each other for dear life. I don't get it because they just saw each other a few hours ago...

I mean it's not that bad though. They could be making out in front of me. But I guess now they are more cautious about showing PDA around me because of the incident that happened about a week ago. Let's just not talk about that.

"Hi. I'm here too." I say sarcastically, giving a fake but playful smile.

"Oh hey Izzy!" Dave chuckles, giving me a hug.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" I say, grunting from his bear hug.

"What can I say? It stuck." He says shrugging and taking the shopping bags from my sister and I.

"Well you need to unstick it." I mumble, taking my shoes off. He bursts out laughing and I just glare at him, making him shut up. He turns to bring the bags to the kitchen.

I follow him through the small foyer that leads to the living room, and as he turns left to go into the kitchen, I go straight back which leads to outside.

Sitting on the patio swing I breathe in the familiar smell of the beach. I've grown to love this little house. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but being with my sister makes my stay better too. And I guess Dave is alright.

I've done a lot of relaxing and have had a lot of 'me' time lately. Maybe too much. Or maybe it's just that I never had 'me' time, so it just feels like a lot.

Nonetheless I recently finished my major tests for college, so now all I have to do is find an actual job. My sister recommended to wait until I know where I want to live first, before finding a job. So right now I'm just being a lazy bum and doing nothing with my life. To be honest it's actually kinda nice.

Oh, I have yet to talk to my biological family. There was one close call where they all just showed up at the house without advising my sister, so I had to run upstairs and hide in my room until they left. I caught a glimpse of them as I was trying to run upstairs. They all look so much older now. And my mom looks a lot healthier than when I left. I'm glad they are doing okay without me.

As I move my legs up and down, trying to swing on the patio swing, I close my eyes. I am about to doze off when a ringing makes me jolt up. I groan as I pull my phone out. I answer it without looking at the caller ID, and put it to my ear.

"I didn't facetime you to look at your ear." A familiar voice says sarcastically. I immediately pull the phone away from my ear to see an amused bleached blonde and greenish-blue eyed boy.

"Bean!" I say laughing.

"Well hello stranger!" He says smiling.

"Hey. You're the one who wasn't available when I called everyone a few days ago. So don't be calling me the stranger."
"I was out and about! You could have called me personally ya know." He complains.

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