Chapter 11

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💞💞💞💞FOREVER YOURS 💞💞💞💞By AyshaSamira
Chapter 11.........
Twitter @Scarlet_Samie

Yaa Rashid please take me home na je na shirya,idan Fateema ta yarda,ai mutunmiyar arziki ce Fateema,i chimed in then winked at her.....

Yaya Khady tunda kina son abu ai dole ki kada Murya says Asma'u,zan ci miki mutunci fa last born,Fateeen Mamana tashi mu tafi ko?

Ni Ina Mamaki duk rashin kunya irin na Fateema Idan Yaa Rashid na nan wai har Khady ke tsokanar ta says Falmata....

I packaged his breakfast,we met Hajiya halfway,nasan anan kika kwana daina boyewa bayan Fateemah,Alhajin yana ta nemanki yau dinnan keda Abbatyn...

Toh Hajiya,we greeted Alhaji outside Khadijatu ni da ke ne yau,i laughed and we left,Yaya Deejama i so much love the way Alhaji and Hajiya showered you with love and care....

Wallahi nima haka Fateemah ba duk dangin mahaifinka  keyi maka haka ba....

Kin manta na Babanmu Ina ma ace babanmu daya but ni i am jealous ne ga kuma yanda Abbatyn yake sonki they both giggled...

We went to the house i used my key and opened the door,Ku shigo i envy you Dijangala your house is the most beautiful..

Ba wani nan Yaya Rashid ai naka ya fi kyau...

Ku zauna lemme pack my kaya,i kept the food on the dining,and i went straight to his bedroom he was laying in his bed and talking over the phone...

Toh my Reedah,yaki ke so nayi,Assalamu Alaikum i muttered,he looked at me then excused himself,he stood up and engulfed me into a warm hug.....

Babyna i missed you so much,Yaya jiya ne kawai and banga alama kayi missing nawa ba,he kissed my forehead hmm!khadijatu haka kike da kishi dan kawai Ina waya?

I turned about to leave and he held my hand I looked at him my body was shivering,I Love you Khadijatu,Yaa Abbaty tare da Fateemah nake da Yaa Rashid...

And they know that your husband missed you ko,smile se na bari ki tafi i smiled a fake smile cause i know he can scold me....

Breakfast a parlour lemme go and change ka sauko yanzu Bana so yunwa ya kamaka wurin waya da wasu can...

Toh Khadijatu na,i smiled and left I packed my clothes,i met them in the parlour....

He widened his eyes,Khadijatu ina zaki da wannan kayan ne haka?Yaya na yau da gobe ne kasan akwai event biyu  ne yau,so zuwa nan ze mani wahala,he humed while Yaa Rashid giggled...

To ai nima zanje Cocktail kizo mu shirya anan mana Baby,to bara na mayar dana Cocktail din....

Fateemah kinga sister dinki ko?Yaya Abbaty karka damu i will make her understand,amma a little scolding will do she tongues,

He smiled ai Fateema bazan iya scolding nata ba,Shi yasa take bani attitude....

Uhm Rashid cleared his throat su Yaya Abbaty dai ashe dama haukamu kake gani nida Yaa Abdulrauf ko,they both laughed,i served him while Rashid and Fateema were watching and gisting...

Yaa Abbaty he looked at me,Khadijana,I blushed ina sonki sosai,Yaya zan kwana gida yau?
Don't start my love it kills me jiya and you did not care...

Yaya waya fa naga kanayi I frowned and eyed him and i called fa,he looked at me and kept quiet...

Rashid ku tafi zan kawo Khadijatu he continued eating...

To Yaya Khadijama sai kinzo they left me with agaped mouth...

Khadijatu y do you always neglect me?Yaya Abbana please don't say that wallahi i love you is just that,that what?I heard you are getting married soon...

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