Chapter 37

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An unsettling silence weighed in between them,the tension so thick,it was borderline suffocating.

Keiran watched as Delia tore her gaze from him,watched as the gears in her mind turned,as the emotions she had barely managed to keep in check resurfacing again,her stormy blue eyes a cross between a hurricane and a tornado,the chaos in them just as terrifying as it was magnificent. He opened his mouth to say something, anything,but he didn't know what more he could say to her.

"Butterfly?" He called out,cautiously, trying to gauge how best he would handle the situation. She barely gave an indication that she had heard him,eyes staring right past him,her mind trapped in a whirlwind of her own thoughts. This would have been so much easier to deal with if she had actually reacted to what he just said. Hell, he'd take a screaming,cursing,crying Delia over this deathly quiet one any day.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to try and coax her into saying something, anything,he heard it. And for the barest of moments,he couldn't help but wonder if he had actually heard it. One word. One word that was barely louder than a whisper,but hit him harder than if she had screamed it at the top of her lungs. One word that ripped inside him like a steel edge right through his still beating heart. Leave.

. "Delia I-"Keiran began,her words cutting him off faster than he could think them.

"I said leave,"Delia said,finally turning to face him, The look in her eyes was enough to make his demeanor falter,even if it was hardly noticable. Never had he seen a colder blue than the one her eyes possessed at that exact moment. The rest of her face was expressionless,the only emotion she allowed to filter through her impenetrable mask was that of cold, unadulterated, rage. Her walls were back up again,Keiran realized,and they had gone up higher than he had ever seen them go. Then,in just a fraction of a second,that was gone too.

Delia regarded him with the same blank stare he was so used to giving her,just as void of emotions as his was,if not more. And as much as he hated admitting it,her managing to pull it off so perfectly, worried him. No,not worried,it merely concerned him. But the fact that it meant she was shutting him out both physically and emotionally,and was able to do it more effortlessly than he thought she that worried him.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" She asked,her voice eerily calm,her face still stoic,her eyes betraying absolutely nothing.

"Leave Keiran." Just as he was about to speak,she added the last nail to the coffin.

"Leave,or I will." The surprised,if not panicked expression on his face must have gave away more than he let on,for it prompted her to continue.

"We had an agreement Keiran. Once I was done with the punishment,I could go see Roman. So it's either you leave this room right now,and I go see him tomorrow,or stay and I'll be out and gone quicker than you could say,'Butterfly'. Your call."Delia stated,her voice maintaining it's uncharacteristic calm, whatever she was actually feeling still no where in sight.

Keiran made no move to stand up or get out of the room,his mind trying to rack up any alternative to diffuse the situation,or at the very least,slow her down enough to try and talk to her. Delia's eyebrow arched at his apparent refusal to leave,

"Alright," she said standing up.momentarily distracted by how cold the marble tiles felt against her feet.

"Wait!" Keiran blurted,his arm darting to catch her forearm in a bid to make her stay. Delia stopped dead in her tracks. She turned to face him,ever so slowly.

"Keiran...let go of me,"she said,her voice threateningly low. His hazel amber eyes clashed with her icy blue ones, trying desperately not to sink and drown as he sought out any emotion,any trace that could indicate that she was still in there. That she would still give him a chance to make things right. But all he met was nothingness. Delia's eyes dropped to where his hand met her arm.

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