Chapter 91

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"He's the son of Bobby Smith and Tina Barkley?" Seven could not believe it. It had to be a joke.

Richard nodded his head. "Yup."

"The famous director and actress?" He tried again for the fact to sink in his brain, to confirm and assure himself that he was indeed reading correctly. "He's richer than you and I combined. Why does he need the scholarship? That's absurd."

Richard nodded his head again. "That was the first question I had, too, when I read his file. We should check people's background more thoroughly before throwing scholarship money at any random student."

Nate noted that down quickly to discuss it in the next meeting.

Seven agreed absentmindedly. Bill was more threatening than he thought.

"His file is really interesting." He smirked before shutting the file and leaving the room.

He would enjoy a good game.

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