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Jackgilinsky whatever they throw at us we throw it back harder❤Tagged SammyG

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Jackgilinsky whatever they throw at us we throw it back harder❤
Tagged SammyG


Stassiebaby should've kept your legs shut b

Ambersholl lovely as always

Killerjack how fucking rude @stassiebaby

Derekluh @ambersholl I agree

JackJ um stassie just because the events happened the way that they did in the past doesn't mean you had to go along with it. It simply shows how manipulative you are to get what you want. If you cared about her as much as you said you did you wouldn't have done that @stassiebaby

SammyG Anastasia we are no longer friends so please stop calling my name up on social media as if I actually did your pathetic ass something

Fatherkels damn I love you^^

OliviaOBrien no cap @SammyG

SammyWilk you best not be talking about my sister don't make me take out my hoops @stassiebaby

Stassiebaby why you on their side what about us Sammy

SammyWilk um you know very well I have a girlfriend and she is not you😂so stop the shit you nasty ass female grifter

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