Flashback part 1

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Jack's POV

"Yo Johnson hurry up bro" I walked into Johnson's room hoping to find him because we were late for our first party since we've come to L.A.

L.A. has been amazing the view, the people I even made a few friends. Johnson hasn't met them yet but he will tonight.

When I saw he wasn't in his room I walked back to the living room

I swear if this little boy left without me he's gonna be sleeping with the dogs



we don't have dogs

I say on the couch waiting for at least one response from him to my messages or phone calls.

As soon as I was about to dial his number one more time the sound of the toilet flushing and the door shutting was heard

Johnson came around the corner holding on to his stomach and groaning

"Woah bro what the hell happened in there" I laughes lightly as I fanned the air pretending that I could smell his behind from the bathroom

"That nasty ass burito you gave is what happened" he glared


We walked through the front door to whoever's house this was and damn this is biggest house party I've ever seen. The ones in Nebraska were smaller...like way smaller yes there were a lot of people but here there were people at every inch of this place

Getting ourselves a beer before we took in the scene.

"Finally what took you so long all them sexy asses were bout to leave" Skate came up to me and took me in for a bro hug

Skate and our friend Sam came with us to L.A. we all came together trying to make it big in the music business. We had it slow and steady so far.

He let's go of me and hugs Johnson

"Johnson had a bit of a leaky situation" I snickered

Johnson looks at me ready to beat the shit out of me and I couldn't help but laugh so did Skate

"Where's Sammy?" I add

"Trying to score with those" skate said as he pointed to twins that were laughing with Sam

The way he frowned made me realize that they were mostly laughing at him

When the girls left Sam found his way over to us

"Did you get it" Skate laughed uncontrollably almost crying

"They asked for your number" Sam rolled his eyes "Apparently no one wants to go out with a lil school boy"

"Did you give em'?" Skate  said still laughing

While they continued talking my eyes landed on Derek. One of the friends I met when we first moved. He noticed me as well and walls over to us with his arm on some dark haired girl's shoulder

"Hey bro glad you made it" he shook my hand then introduced me to the girl "and this be my babygirl Maggie"

She puts her hand out for me to shake and I did

Once I introduced everyone we started having the time of our lives

"I specifically remember you saying you like tequila...am I right?" Derek asked with an ear to ear grin and I nodded

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now